Design of Eyes

Released on = May 28, 2006, 10:05 pm

Press Release Author = Curt Deckert Associates, Inc.

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Research seems to give indications to orgins theory that
favors an intelligent design approach. The probabilities of evolution of such
complex visual instruments and brain seems to be impossible without intelligence.

Press Release Body =
Santa Ana, California

Design of Eyes

Hundreds of millions of people, including over 400 practicing scientists in the US
alone, disagree with the evolutionary explanation of origins. We are now reading
more about the controversy. At present we do not even completely understand the
complexity of life, but how much of the present information was known as
evolutionary origins theory evolved. Now many believe that evolutionary origins
theory presents an over simplification of life.

Charles Darwin himself could not explain human vision. He said, "To suppose that
the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different
distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of
spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection,
seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." Yet Darwin believed it
evolved even though he knew very little about vision systems. This statement taken
in context does not give scientists much explanation of the origin process in light
of today's technology

Eyes are a prime example of intelligent design theory. Thus eye research may help us
to answer origins questions. For example, there are three very small eye movements
within the human eye that provide a type a dynamic scanning to enhance our vision.
This requires minute contractions in the muscles attached to the eyes. These muscles
automatically move the position of the eyeball in a circle about one micron in
diameter (tremor) many times a second without us knowing it. In addition it is
possible that there is a gradient index micro-correction in the eye which would
require a slight difference in cell structure with respect to radial and/or axial
position within the eye optics. These features, along with the extreme dynamic range
of light and color sensing seem to require a significant input of intelligence in
the cells, brain, retina, and interfacing systems. Some of this intelligence is
similar to that within very complex image processors using intelligent software.

The web site has been providing intelligent design answers for
evolution and vision questions to many thousands of people using a wide variety of
eyes as examples. It is especially helpful to explain some of the limitations of
evolutionary theory and explain why ID will become the most probable origins model.
The website includes information on most types of eyes, optical
systems, intelligent design, evolution, optical science, and vision technology.

Contact Curt Deckert for more insights into this topic. Email:
Other helpful information can be found in the related links at:

Curt Deckert

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Contact Details = Curt Deckert

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