New way to fight plagiarism at MasterPapers com

Released on = June 18, 2006, 9:54 am

Press Release Author = Sean Stone

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = has introduced a new way to detect and
fight plagiarism

Press Release Body = While students are on their summer breaks, is
in search of new ways to improve and smooth the studying process. Now the papers
produced for research purposes are checked with three different anti-plagiarism
software programs. realizes the need to track the archives of
printed sources along with online ones.
Due to the rapid IT development the necessity of new anti-plagiarism software is a
Unlike other essay writing companies now has a softcopy of the
archives and several programs that run through it and detect papers for plagiarism.
Three programs ensure that the file is checked with the latest and updated materials
available online and in the libraries.
Moreover, the new department has been created within the company to handle the
plagiarism detecting process.
Once the customer has placed the order, he doesn't need to worry about the paper any
longer. All the materials provided by the writer are being checked with Eve2 program
automatically. After that the file goes to the special department, where it is being
proof read by professionals and run over with MyDropBox. If part of the paper
appears to be not original, it is forwarded back to the writer right away for the
rewrite. The human resource department fines the writer and if the situation repeats
again, the writer is fired. This way guarantees the professionalism
and integrity of the writing team.
Customer is not involved in the plagiarism detection process and is only receiving
the final, proof read and unique paper. Client doesn't need to worry about checking
the paper himself any more as the company does it all for him. Although, customer
has an opportunity to communicate with the writer directly if needed.
With the increasing number of internet users the number of people who still refer to
the more traditional sources of information such as books, journals and magazines
decreases. Most essay writing companies' field of search when detecting plagiarism
is internet sources only. It is common practice to ignore the existence of printed
sources such as journals that can easily be copied from. The implementation of the
new software program and a specially trained department enables to
search all possible sources of information that could be used.
ensured that clients feel absolutely confident and secure by being provided with
such an innovation as track of all the printed sources and library archives.

Web Site =

Contact Details = 79 Munroe Lane, Topsham, Me, USA, 1-866-872-5860,

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