Press Release Summary = Dvd xcopy deluxe is a powerful dvd copy software. With dvd xcopy deluxe, everyone could backup dvd movie from a dvd disc to another dvd disc. Dvd xcopy deluxe also supports loading video files from your hard disc and burn into blank dvd disc.
Press Release Body = Dvd xcopy deluxe is a powerful dvd copy software. With dvd xcopy deluxe, everyone could backup dvd movie from a dvd disc to another dvd disc. Dvd xcopy deluxe also supports loading video files from your hard disc and burn into blank dvd disc.
DVD XCopy Deluxe copies your DVD movies without losing quality. Now you can make backup copies of your DVD movies and watch it on your DVD Player! With its superior kernel, DVD XCopy Deluxe can backup your entire DVD movie: including menus, trailers and special features to a single DVD disc. It produces perfect copies every time, and does it quickly and efficiently. Video quality of copied discs is pristine, since there\'s no recompression or altering of the VOB files from the original disc.
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