Fixed Rate Loans - Fixed rate mortgages vs ARM loans - Is a fixed rate mortgage the answer

Released on = June 30, 2006, 9:31 pm

Press Release Author = David Domm -

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Fixed Rate Loans - Is a fixed rate mortgage a good decision
based on interest rate news - Some California homeowners are choosing fixed rate
mortgages in exchange for their adjustable rate loans since interest rates are still
climbing and their HELOC or equity line second is too high.

Press Release Body = The problem with refinancing into a fixed rate loan is
affording the payment. If that is not a problem for a person, refinancing into a
fixed rate mortgage loan could be appropriate.

Fixed rate loans add the security of having a fixed payment for a long time. If a
person thinks they will keep their fixed rate loan for a while, it makes sense. The
key is trying to determine how to structure the fixed rate mortgage, keeping in mind
the amount of time a person plans to keep the loan.

A total cost analysis can help determine the appropriate structure of the fixed rate
loan. It is possible that if a person plans on being in the home or keeping the
fixed rate mortgage for a while, paying points to lower the interest rate could be a
wise decision.

If a person plans on keeping the fixed rate mortgage for only a few years a low cost
or no point loan could be appropriate. A person should ask for a total cost
analysis of their fixed rate mortgage before choosing the loan consultant that they
will do business with.

Fixed rate loans can be beneficial if they are structured properly based on the
whole picture, not just a piece of the scenario.

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Contact Details = David Domm

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