Have your corporate `annual report` mailed to 350 billionaires

Released on = July 1, 2006, 3:21 pm

Press Release Author = Ben Campbell

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = An innovative public relations service will mail your
corporate \"annual report\" to 350 U.S. billionaires.

Press Release Body = Now corporations can have their \"annual report\" (or
quarterly report) mailed to 350 U.S. billionaires, with an innovative public
relations service provided through a unique website.
The website is located at internet URL:

The innovative public relations services includes, mailing house services,
providing the mailing list, preparation of mailing packages, computer addressing
of mailing packages, postage, and mailing. Users of the services have a choice as
to which mailing house will perform the mailing.
Your executives will receive a report that includes the telephone numbers of all
persons receiving the annual report, so, your executives can call and follow-up
on the mailing, answer questions, provide additional information, establish a
relationship, or close a sale, if need be.
The services can be used everytime you publish an annual report ( or quarterly
The website, also, sells the \"RICH LIST\" which is a mailing, telephone, and fax
list for contact with superrich individuals.
For additional information visit the website at internet URL:

email: billionaires@email.com
URL: billionaires.7h.com

Web Site = http://www.billionaires.7h.com

Contact Details = Ben Campbell
email: ben_campbell_publicist@yahoo.com

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