Press Release Summary = It is reasonable to say that most smokers regret actually smoking. They acknowledge that smoking have affected their health, and also bring so many negative and harmful effects. Yet they cannot give up the habit.
Press Release Body = It is reasonable to say that most smokers regret actually smoking. They acknowledge that smoking have affected their health, and also bring so many negative and harmful effects. Yet they cannot give up the habit. A smoker can only quit if it is a decision that he or she has decided on a 100 percent basis. Nobody can force a person to quit smoking. Smokers use the excuse to smoke for a relief of stress or to give comfort. It is as though the cigarette is used as a tranquilizer. Some people chain smoke the whole day while trying to handle problems. But what they don't realize is that smoking cannot solve anything but add to more stress because of the effect of chemicals. Some may succeed in quitting smoking. But usually, one will be tempted to resort to smoking again when problems or a crisis arise. However, instead of going back to the cigarettes, there are other healthy substitutes such as exercises, hobbies or social activities to help to ease the tension and problems. If you can understand your smoking behavior or the reason why you smokes. You will more successful in quitting the cigarettes. When someone is going through the process of quitting the cigarettes, he or she will experience withdrawal symptoms. This is because your body and brain which is normally fed by these chemicals will have a certain reaction when it is lacking of tobacco intake on a sudden. Withdrawal symptoms include headache, light-headedness, nausea, diarrhea, and chest pains and others as well. A person can become highly irritable and frustrated. Other may lose energy or only have the feeling of sleeping. Some may even have too much energy. However, these symptoms should subside by 2 weeks. People who have managed to quit smoking will have more energy and is able to sleep less to recharge fully. Self confidence and esteem will also increase. Smokers who quit also claim there are significant dramatic changes in their health, vitality and happiness. Quitting is definitely a must to maintain a healthier and happy lifestyle. It is never too late to quit. Risk of cancer and diseases decrease after quitting the cigarette. Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
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