`A Naked Free Money Loophole Lies Naked In Cyberspace Waiting To Be Exploited!`

Released on = October 31, 2006, 9:53 am

Press Release Author = Paul Wenniger

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Exploding data on the internet turns into endless cash
stream in the online gambling world

Press Release Body = With the power of the internet and the high speed data
transferal one of the biggest free money loopholes is literally lying naked in
cyberspace just waiting to be exploited

The area is in the sport gambling industry and known as sport arbitrage trading a
concept which undoubtedly will be whispered all over the cyber community

The concept of sport arbitrage trading is no different than formula used by banks to
rake in millions of dollars daily in each trade, only it\'s applied to a different

By using the various live data that the sports bookies offer online, the variance in
the different odds across the books provide the perfect platform to apply an
arbitrage equation.

Effectively speaking this would mean that anybody with a pc could be performing
arbitrage trades yielding anything from 3%+ daily in a very short period of time.

The science in sport arbitrage trading is placing a 2 or 3 way bet without loosing a
cent and in most cases 100% risk free.

The gaming industry being at the scale it is , with some books turning over 2
billion dollars a year, would not be effected at all, simply because when the
arbitrage formula is applied for example in a three way trade scenario : win, loose
and draw, there\'s always 2 losses, however the win makes up for the losses and gives
a profit.
Clearly this is a win win situation for the bookies and the arbitrage trader himself.

With over 7000 online bookies even Bill Gates would have a problem keeping up with
all the many arbitrage opportunities available daily.

In most cases the profits a tax free profit for the arbitrage trader provided his
country offers this incentive, albeit the talk of US citizens may be taxed on their
gaming revenues.

e-wealthsystems.com has identified this loophole and has been making handsome
profits daily using this very system which any 13 year old could perform and offer a
complete manual to guide you into this explosively lucrative loophole.

This will probably be the biggest wave to hit the internet in late 2006 - 2007

For a complete guide please visit


Web Site = http://www.e-wealthsystems.com

Contact Details = www.e-wealthsystems.com
11 Raintree Crescent Fourways Gardens
South Africa

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