`So You Want To Improve Your Running` Guaranteed Strategies You Won`t Find Anywhere Else

Released on = October 16, 2006, 4:36 pm

Press Release Author = Conan Dickie, Sports Medicine Podiatrist & Runner

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Find Out The Number One Ingredient Required For You To Run
Your Best Race, A Staggering 97% Of Runners Are Missing Out On This Critical Advice!

Press Release Body = If you have ever wondered what the single most important skill
is in running, short or long distances, that when mastered, would single-handedly
account for the greatest proportion of your running performace, I would tell you,
without any doubt -- it\'s the ability to pull yourself along, instead of push.

That\'s because the most important ability of any running athlete, is to be able to
repeatedly achieve a certain velocity of multiple limbs, manage to sustain a certain
posture, and effectively carry-out any unsuspecting tasks, for what most people
think as an alarming period of time -- and pulling the body along is by far the only
method of achieving this with any degree of prolonged success, yet ironically 93% of
runners push themselves along!

Listen closely, you can spend a bundle of time training those major muscle groups,
trying day in and day out to improve their ability to carry your body weight from A
to B -- But all the strength and aerobic training in the world isn\'t going to do
much good unless you actually develop the pull muscles, the muscles designed to pull
your body along, as well as systematically improving those muscle\'s blood flow and
energy capacity.

Thankfully there is now a solution to this widespread problem.

It comes in the form of an easy to read ebook, titled \"The Complete Runner\"

You can learn everything a runner needs to know at www.complete-runner.com

Web Site = http://www.complete-runner.com

Contact Details = Conan Dickie, Sports Medicine Podiatrist. Auckland Foot Clinic.
948 East Coast Rd, Northcross, Auckland, New Zealand. + 649 478 5029

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