4 Money-In-The-Bank Strategies To Consolidate Debt

Released on = October 13, 2006, 4:57 pm

Press Release Author = Out Of Debt 4 Good

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = If you need to consolidate debt, your main objective should
be to reduce your overall expenses. In order to accomplish this, it is imperative
that you get the lowest interest rates you possibly can, and use a solid pay-off

Press Release Body = Debt consolidation isn't always easy, especially if you have a
lot of credit card debt. But there are many options available to consumers in need
of debt relief. If you need to consolidate debt, your main objective should be to
reduce your overall expenses. In order to accomplish this, it is imperative that you
get the lowest interest rates you possibly can, and use a solid pay-off plan to
eliminate your credit card debt in at least 5 years.

Most people who need to consolidate debt aren't really thinking about constructing a
plan to pay off their debt completely, they just need a little breathing room from
the burden of their monthly payments. Credit card debt consolidation loans are the
fastest way to get back on track and get a little extra money back into your wallet
at the end of each month.

Here are 4 of the best debt consolidation options that will help you out of your
deep credit card debt.

Credit Card Debt Consolidation Balance Transfer: Credit Card balance transfers are
the leading form of debt consolidation in the US. If you have a good credit rating
you can easily consolidate debt from other cards onto one lower interest rate card.

Because of the steep competition between card issuers to gain your business, you can
find very low annual percentage rates offered for debt consolidation. It is even
possible to find a 0% interest rate for the first three to six months. This could
save you a ton of money by the end of each month. Remember, the introductory rate
changes after a certain amount of time, so be sure to read the fine print and make
sure you are truly cutting your expenses in the long run.

Another great way to consolidate debt is using a Home Equity Debt Consolidation Loan.
Using a home equity loan or home equity line of credit is a great way to consolidate
debt because they offer low interest rates and low monthly payments. There are
usually very low closing costs for this type of debt consolidation loan, and the
interest rates you pay are tax deductible.

If you don't qualify for a low interest rate credit card balance transfer, and don't
have a home to borrow against, then a personal debt consolidation loan may be your
best bet. This type of debt consolidation loan usually carries a higher interest
rate; especially if you have a lot of credit card debt you want to consolidate,
because lenders deem you as a high risk client. Still, these types of loans are
popular and will work to get you out of a financial jamm, just make certain the
interest rates aren't so high that you end up even deeper into debt.

If none of the above debt consolidation options are viable to you, and you are in so
deep that you're on the brink of bankruptcy, then you need to take a look at Debt
Debt settlement is becoming one of the most popular forms of credit card debt
consolidation in the country.

Here is how debt settlement works to consolidate debt; you stop paying your regular
payments to your creditors, and make payments directly to the debt settlement
agency. As your overdue bills accumulate and fall behind the settlement company
negotiates a deal to settle your balances, usually for half of what you actually
owe. This is an extremely effective method of debt consolidation, although it will
tarnish your credit score. But if you are in a serious financial situation, debt
settlement is certainly better on your credit score than filing for bankruptcy.

Need more details about Debt Settlement? Read my Special Report: Using Debt
Settlement To Save Yourself From Financial Ruin at my website: OutOfDebt4Good.com.
While you're there, check out my Quick Debt Relief Tips and get some expert advice
about Bad Credit Debt Consolidation.

Web Site = http://outofdebt4good.com/debt-settlement.htm?maxi

Contact Details = Jennifer L. Wilson
174 Jeepers Drive
Naples , 34112


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