Press Release Summary = A little-known-about website discloses \"swiss banking secrets\". Identities of Switzerlands richest persons revealed.
Press Release Body = A \"little-known-about\" website located on the internet at: is known to disclose \"swiss banking secrets\" on the website. The website has an index of the \"Richest persons in Switzerland\", identifying dozens of Swiss billionaires. Over a dozen UBS billionaires are indexed on the website. Swiss billionaires identified on the website include: super-secret swiss banking wizard Edgar de banking giant Baron Benjamin Rothschild who controls over a dozen banks in Switzerland and maybe the richest man in Switzerland....UBS billionaire Christoph Blocher who some say will be elected Chancellor of Switzerland in the 2007 Swiss Election....Christina Liebherr billiionaire widow of deceased swiss billionaire Hans billionairesses Gisella \"Gigi\" Oeri the Richest woman in billiionaire Dino billionaire Sergio billionaire Bahaa billionaire Walter Haefner, the first of American Billionaire Bill Gates competitors....UBS billionaire Thomas Schmidheiny and UBS billionaires Stephen billiionaire Andre billiinaire Gianluigi billionaire Philippe billionaire Willi Liebherr....and many other \"swiss superrich\". The swiss venture capital industry has been growing at a recordbreaking pace as a result of the investments by swiss superrich. The swiss VENTURE CAPITAL LAW allows for \"Angel Lenders\" who make \"Angel Loans\" to swiss venture capital startup companies. The profits of \"Angel Loans\" are tax exempt under special conditions. The swiss venture capital industry is said to have the only \"multi-billionaire dollar\" venture capital funds in the world. CSAM-CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT now has assets of over $250 billion and the giant swiss bank UBS has a venture capital fund UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT which also has billiions and billiions in assets. Find out who really owns Switzerland by visiting the website at: