Bad credit homeowner loan shows a novel financing option

Released on = November 13, 2006, 8:04 pm

Press Release Author = Amanda Thompson

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Chance for Loans, an agency that has made a name for itself
in arranging quality deals for people, has now devised a method by which people can
gain finance despite of bad credit. This is by taking loans against ones home. Such
a loan is known as bad credit homeowner loan.

Press Release Body = Bad credit is one instance where an individual cannot, even
after much effort, leave his past behind. Every time that the individual is planning
to get loans, his credit history poses obstacles. Chance for Loans, an agency that
has made a name for itself in arranging quality deals for people, has now devised a
method by which people can gain finance despite of bad credit. This is by taking
loans against ones home. Such a loan is known as bad credit homeowner loan.

Now see what Marc Stanford has to say of bad credit homeowner loan. "It is all about
assuring the lender that there is no risk. And what better way than offering lender
a lien on your home. Offering lien assures the lender that in the event of non
payment of loan, he has the borrower's home to recover his money." So just by
putting home as collateral allows the borrowers to get deals in bad credit homeowner
loans. "And the terms are no less competitive", says Emily Mason, who has first hand
experience of bad credit homeowner loan. "If you were paying a high rate of
interest, it was because the lender felt you more risky. Now when your house is at
stake, he is assured and you gain from the cheap rates and other easy terms on your
bad credit homeowner loan deal", says Emily.

Chance for Loans has other attractions in store, apart from bad credit homeowner
loans. Looking for debt management options and military loans. You will get it all
here. Just visit its online website

Web Site =

Contact Details = Calleva Park
02 66822635

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