Functional Self-Defense Training in Denver, Colorado
Released on = November 21, 2006, 10:20 am
Press Release Author = Michael Sullivan
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Training self-defense is something everyone should do. But who has the time, dedication, or resources? A new development from Fusion Martial Training Centers founder, Michael Sullivan, is the solution to this paradox.
Press Release Body = Military self-defense tactics are improving year after year without fail. And now, with the war in Iraq, U.S. Solders and Marines must intelligently handle conflict resolution with civilian populations. Translation: non-lethal reaction to civilian violence, yet at the same time, the reaction needs to be simple and effective. This prompted the design of HV-10 by former infantry solder Michael Sullivan.
Michael's brother, Chris, currently with the Army's 10th Special Forces unit, asked Michael to create a self-defense system designed in a way that allows the average American to learn it quickly, and not have to train in it constantly to retain it's effectiveness. With that mission in mind, Michael went to work to create a system of extraordinary capability.
HV-10 takes the already established physical movements Americans use on a regular basis in recreation and applies them in a combat form. The result: a woman trained in HV-10 is capable of creating the same power in a strike as an untrained man who is forty pounds heavier! This kind of power development is priceless when it comes to defending one's self in a life and death situation, or in developing self-confidence for that matter!
HV-10 is hard to explain correctly because it looks and acts nothing like anything ever seen by non-military personnel. My suggestion-give it a try, it is the only way to really get an idea of the tremendous amount of power you-yes you-can develop in a short period of time. I would say try the first level of HV-10, and then determine if level two, three, four, or the mastery levels are for you.
Golden, Colorado was selected as the first civilian training location in the United States. So lets bring together Golden and set the precedence of outstanding participation for the first uniquely American Martial Art. We would like to thank the Golden Recreation Center for accepting the HV-10 program into its already impressive curriculum.
It would be a good idea to reregister for the HV-10 program ahead of time. Due to its high demand, HV-10 will be arriving at the Golden Recreation Center in January 2007. Please contact or Michael Sullivan at 303-875-4281 for further information on the benefits of HV-10 as your personal self-defense system. Registration for the 2007 season of HV-10 begins in December at