I ROMANCED THE STONE (Memoirs of a Recovering Hippie), will shock you, rivet you, and inspire you!

Released on = November 5, 2006, 7:05 am

Press Release Author = Marvin D. Wilson/Global Authors Publications

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Take a journey into the drug infested evil places and habits
rampant in the inner city streets of America. Marvel in awe at the life sucking
power of crack cocaine. Rejoice in spirit as the author defeats his demons and is
made whole again.

Press Release Body = When you think of a crack-head, what kind of picture comes to
mind? A stupid teenager with little, or no education? A prostitute? A smack-talking
ghetto-born African-American? Or maybe, a misfit Caucasion dropout, from a broken
home, with an alcoholic, abusive, absentee father? Crack-heads are street-walking,
panhandling, hustling, poorly dressed, teeth missing, gaunt, thin, useless, and
dangerous looking kinds of people that you'd never invite over to dinner, right?

Well guess again, because the author of these memoirs is an educated, articulate and
thoughtful, formerly successful family and businessman, a grandfather, who owns
expensive suits, always knows how to appear well groomed, and knows which fork is
used when at the gourmet banquets of the upper middle class.

"I Romanced the Stone" observes, discusses, and exposes fundamental tendencies of
addiction in our society and weaves these general themes throughout the personal
story of the author's journey. The reader comes to understand that drug addiction
is not some exclusive disease of the poor, or the uneducated, or the social
castaways of our world; it is an insatiable and insidious ghost, shadowing anyone,
of any walk of life, from any economic or social environment. It can appear as a
false god, "the good life", and then devour you as "the grim reaper" is revealed
bewilderingly to you as your new slave master.

The book tells how the author was rehabilitated, cured, and had his life and soul
spared through love and help from family, and most significantly through a powerful
spiritual experience. It is an inspiring, yet fearsomely awesome story, sending a
message of hope, and advisement.

Web Site = http://www.rockofallages.com

Contact Details = Marvin D. Wilson
804 Cliffs Drive #106
Ypsilanti, MI 48198

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