KSU, Only Historically Black University in Kentucky to offer an online program

Released on = November 9, 2006, 1:58 pm

Press Release Author = Learning House - Heather Gough

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Kentucky State University is a member of the Historically
Black Colleges and Universities. Today, KSU has evolved into the most diverse
institution in the state of Kentucky.

Press Release Body = America's racial profile is rapidly changing and minority
children comprise a larger percentage of public school students. How we deal with
the increasingly diverse student population in our public schools continues to be a
challenge. Diversity not only applies to race and ethnicity; it also includes
physical disabilities, language and socio-economic status. Kentucky State
University's goal is to increase the number and diversity of highly qualified

With an awareness of the ever-increasing diversity in our society and most
especially in schools, the Kentucky State University Teacher Education Unit strives
to develop knowledgeable, skilled and caring professionals who can effectively meet
the challenges of educating diverse students. KSU is now offering an online
Alternative Teacher Certification Program leading to a Masters of Arts in Special
Education in the field of Learning and Behavior Disorders. A major emphasis of the
program is to recruit individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse
backgrounds into the teaching profession.

Kentucky State University is a member of the Historically Black Colleges and
Universities. HBCU's are a source of accomplishment and great pride for the African
American community as well as the entire nation. Kentucky State University's mission
is to serve students of all races an opportunity to acquire a college education
based on academic excellence. Today, KSU has evolved into the most diverse
institution in the state of Kentucky. Moreover, KSU continues to embrace the ideals
of its founders, a value for access to education and a commitment to service, along
with its land grant programs and a strong liberal studies core that prepares
students well for life in a global community.

Over the past 20 years more than 30 new structures or major building expansions have
enhanced Kentucky State University's 511-acre campus, which includes a 203-acre
agricultural research farm. To continue growth and to better serve students, KSU
turned to the Learning House to offer an online program in Master of Arts in Special
Education. KSU is the only Historically Black University in Kentucky and one of few
to offer an online program.

KSU partnered with the Learning House to develop the online program since they are
an expert in eContent and eLearning. KSU strives to reach beyond Kentucky to serve
the diverse student population across the United States.

About Kentucky State University
From its modest beginnings, in 1886, as a small normal school for the training of
black teachers for the black schools of Kentucky, Kentucky State University has
grown and evolved to become the state's unique, small, liberal studies institution,
serving students without regard to their race, age, sex, national origin, or
economic status. Kentucky State University has the most culturally diverse student
body and faculty among all higher education institutions in Kentucky and one of the
most diverse in the nation.

About Learning House, Inc.
The Learning House, Inc. was founded in 1985 by Dr. Denzil Edge. It is a
comprehensive eLearning services company that develops customized eContent, as well
as audio and video products; hosts and leases course management systems; leases or
sells eContent; and provides 24/7 Help Desk services, project management services,
consultation and research services, editing services, and staff training for its
clientele. The Learning House, Inc. provides eLearning services to numerous
institutions of higher education, professional organizations, government agencies,
and businesses.

Web Site = http://www.elearnportal.com/1/ksu/edu

Contact Details = Heather Gough
Learning House
333 Guthrie Street, Suite 200
Louisville, KY 40202

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