Michael Cheney launches his 11 Days to List Profits
Released on = November 7, 2006, 1:53 am
Press Release Author = Marian Krajcovic
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = Michael Chenney is launching his online video course, 11 Days To List Profits.
You can now go online and complete the course through to the point of starting
your own internet business, without leaving your home.
Press Release Body = Date: 11/7/06 City: ____________
Michael Cheney's first claim to fame in the Internet marketing industry was his
AdSense Videos ( http://doingonlinebusiness.com/adsensevideos ) He has returned
to the spotlight again with his new series of online video tutorials teaching
anyone keen to learn how to build their own successful list from scratch.
In his thorough, comprehensive, online videos, Michael Cheney's 11 Days to List
Profits will take you step by step through the process from the beginning of
your concept to starting your own legitimate internet business. The course has
been designed to be a simple, step by step learning process that beginners can
understand. There is a series of 43 videos and they are short, easy viewing,
with each one showing you how to take another step towards starting your online
The purpose of the 11 Days to List Profits course is to teach you how to target
a market that you are interested in, how to gain customers trust, how to find
out what needs they have and how you can for fill them with your products.
Michael Cheney teaches you how to get, use and understand current market place
software that will analyze what you want to sell and whether there is a need in
the market for it. You will learn how to write content for your customers
without actually having to type, and to sell products without having to outlay
for stock or storage.
From 7th November 2006, Michael Cheney will release his course and make this
knowledge available for the general public. It could be seen as a way to keep
up to date with current internet marketing strategies and tools. If you have
been thinking about starting a home business or taking your own business online,
this course could teach you everything you need to know.
If you decide to make use of Michael Cheney's 11 Days to List Profits tutorials
all you need is a computer with internet access and an interest in starting your
own list and internet business. Everything else you require is provided online
for you. For more information or to start the course right now, simply go to:
http://doingonlinebusiness.com/superlist for the Michael Chenney's 11 Days to List Profits
Web Site = http://doingonlinebusiness.com
Contact Details = Marian Krajcovic mkrajcovic@gmail.com 421-9044013088
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