Press Release Summary = At issue is the Nation's pressing future natural resource challenges. While hunting/conservation organizations have come up with a plan to address this issue we all must do our part to become familiar with the natural resources our country offers and decide what is best for the future.
Press Release Body = At issue is the Nation\'s pressing future natural resource challenges. These challenges include invasive species, infectious diseases, wildfire and increased demand for limited water resources. The solution, according to hunting/conservation organizations is to make greater use of the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (CFWRU) research and training partnership in carrying out cooperative conservation efforts.
In a letter to Interior Secretary Kempthorne, the organizations collectively stressed that the CFWRUs across the country are crucial to addressing successfully the natural resource management challenges. The recommendations by the hunting/conservation groups would implement key provisions of the National Cooperators\' Coalition (NCC) Vision and Strategies for the Future of the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit System. The NCC is an alliance of nearly 70 nonfederal CFWRU program cooperators and other supporters of the CFWRU program. Its members include state wildlife agencies, universities and nongovernmental organizations. The mission of the NCC is to build a stronger and more coordinated base of support to serve research, education, and technical assistance needs of the nonfederal CFWRU program cooperators.
Members of the hunting/conservation organizations inclue the Archery Trade Association, Bear Trust International, Boone and Crockett Club, Bowhunting Preservation Alliance, The Campfire Club of America, Congressional Sportsmen\'s Foundation, Dallas Safari Club, Delta Waterfowl Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, Inc., Foundation for North American Wild Sheep, Houston Safari Club, Izaak Walton League of America, National Assembly of Sportsmen\'s Caucuses, National Trapper\'s Association, National Wild Turkey Federation, North American Grouse Partnership, Orion-The Hunters Institute, Pope and Young Club, Quality Deer Management Association, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Ruffed Grouse Society, Safari Club International, Sand County Foundation, Texas Wildlife Association, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Wildlife Forever, The Wildlife Society, and Wildlife Management Institute.
The issues raised by the organization are valid issues that should be given top priority. Whether or not one agrees with the solutions posited by the organization one must admit that something must be done in order to ensure our wilderness remains a safe and productive environment for our most cherished resources.
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