Unique cards in multiple formats created by Cratima

Released on = December 11, 2006, 3:46 am

Press Release Author = Olivian Breda

Industry = Internet & Online

Press Release Summary = Olivian Breda

BUCHAREST, Romania, 12.11.2006 - Cratima, with its division Cratima Interactive,
announces a new service: electronic cards. These are static or animated cards that
can be sent via email to clients and business partners.

Press Release Body = The cards have an unique design, as they are personalized for
the business of every client. The method of sending electronic cards via email is an
efficient communication form that ensures an increased impact due to the
personalized design, and also a method of increasing notoriety by differentiating
the ecards from the standard cards.

In the offer of the new Cratima service there is also a traditional version of the
cards. These can be printed on paper, along with using the electronic version. To
order an ecard, the clients only have to visit Cratima\'s web site - www.cratima.com

A great advantage of the electronic card is the decrease of the cost of
distribution. The number of receipents of the cards can be very high with no cost of
distribution whatsoever. The time of distribution of the cards in electronic form
compared to the classic format is yet another advantage. An ecard can reach clients
in a matters a minutes via email, compared to the usual time of delivery for a

The card can be used on the web site of the company or in other printed materials
distributed this time of the year.

Cratima wants to know that it has a job well done. To make sure that the future
clients will be impressed, there will be suggested 3 different graphic concepts. The
required changes. will be done on one of those concepts.

The demo card made for XcellenceIT is a static one. The color theme reminds people
of winter. It is mostly white and blue. The color for the new year is made in warm
colors. The theme corresponds to the web site of XcellenceIT -

The company that created the web site, Cratima, is a web design company that is
active worldwide since 1999. The portfolio is impressive and can be accessed by
visiting the company\'s web site - www.cratima.com

Cratima is always looking for coming to solutions to the different requests for web
design of the new clients.

Contact information:
Company name: Cratima
Address: 3 Sirenelor St., Bucharest, 050856, Romania
Phone: +40 21 410 20 27, +40 21 410 59 76
+40 21 402 81 76, +40 21 402 89 19
Phone/Fax: +40 21 315 76 12
E-mail: office@cratima.com
Web site: www.cratima.com

Web Site = http://www.cratima.com

Contact Details = Company name: Cratima
Address: 3 Sirenelor St., Bucharest, 050856, Romania
Phone: +40 21 410 20 27, +40 21 410 59 76
+40 21 402 81 76, +40 21 402 89 19
Phone/Fax: +40 21 315 76 12
E-mail: office@cratima.com
Web site: www.cratima.com

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