Debt consolidation loans Wipe your debts away

Released on = January 29, 2007, 12:33 am

Press Release Author = Braden Fred

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Debt consolidation loans can collate all your multiple debts
into a single loan. Not only does it come with competitive interest rates, it also
has the provision of long repayment periods.

Press Release Body = The festive season has come and gone and has no doubt left you
with a huge hole in your pocket. You may have huge overdues against your credit
cards and store cards. The more time you take in paying off these debts, the more
interest you would have to pay. Also, the lure of "buying on credit" is so strong
that even if we find ourselves deep in the debt pool, we can't refrain from using
plastic. Post Christmas and New Year, lenders are flooded with a slew of personal
loan applications from UK residents to clear off their pending dues.

Personal loans like debt consolidation loans make the consumer's life easier by
combining all their outstanding debts into one loan with a set monthly payment. The
lender can also try and reduce the interest that you own against your cards.
Depending on your financial situation, you can stretch the repayment period to suit
your convenience. As a rule, the interest attributed to debt consolidation loans is
low; this facilitates the fast disposal of debts. However, borrowers who have a bad
credit history may find themselves paying a higher interest rate.

Debt consolidation loans may be in the form of a secured or an unsecured loan.
Unsecured debt consolidation loans are provided against a borrower's salary slip.
The risk factor for the lender is huge in this case. On the other hand, if the loan
seeker can furnish some kind of asset, then the possibility of getting the loan
approved is much higher. Typically, a house serves as collateral. In case there is a
default in payment, the lender has the right to take over the ownership of the

Before plunging into the loan market, borrowers should do adequate research on the
loan types that are available in the market. There are many banks as well as online
lenders, who specialise in offering debt consolidation loans to homeowners and

Web Site =

Contact Details = 11, Parade House
135, The Parade High Street
WD17 1NS

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