Hitec announce legacy EDM conversion successes

Released on = January 17, 2007, 3:09 am

Press Release Author = Hitec Laboratories

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Langley, Berkshire, UK January 15th 2007 - Following the
completion of two large legacy system conversion projects - with a Bank in New York
and another in the Channel Islands - Hitec has announced the general availability of
special utilities for StorQM®, StorQM+® & FileNet® system conversion capabilities.

Press Release Body = Langley, Berkshire, UK January 15th 2007 - Following the
completion of two large legacy system conversion projects - with a Bank in New York
and another in the Channel Islands - Hitec has announced the general availability of
special utilities for StorQM®, StorQM+® & FileNet® system conversion capabilities.

"The most recent conversion at SGCIB New York, included many millions of report
pages and a User community of 700" commented Hitec CEO Jeremy Crame. "As a result of
the success, the project is now rolling out through Asia and Europe".

Native Report files from StorQM were converted to ASCii prior to being ingested into
Hitec's DataStore®32 Enterprise Report & Document Archiving solution at the rate of
over 2m pages per hour. The conversion process was totally automated.

At Standard Chartered (Jersey) Limited, the main requirement was to replace an
ageing legacy FileNet system that contained "in excess of 10 million" (comprising of
both COLD and image) documents. The documents were exported and re-indexed into
DataStore®32 in a short space of time, again using an automated process.

"Hitec was selected because of our deep understanding of these legacy conversion
processes, our commitment to the regulatory archiving market going forward, reduced
storage requirements and the speed and automation of the conversion process"
continued Crame.

As a result of the improved compression capabilities within DataStore®32, storage
requirements were reduced by up to 50% when compared against the legacy systems.

DataStore®32 is a market leader in the field of regulatory-compliant enterprise
report and document archiving and distribution solutions.

About Hitec Laboratories

Hitec specialises in the development, implementation and support of enterprise-wide
Risk, Performance, Compliance and Electronic Document Management solutions.
Headquartered in the UK, with offices in Boston, Chicago and shortly, Hong Kong,
Hitec has also built a worldwide network of certified Business Partners. Solutions
have been implemented in over 500 installations worldwide.

Web Site = http://www.hiteclabs.com

Contact Details = Jeremy Crame,CEO
+44 (0)1753 583000 jeremy.crame@hiteclabs.com

Sherie Booth, PR & Marketing Executive
+44 (0)1753 583000 sherie.booth@hiteclabs.com

Mike Adams, VP North America
+1 (508) 620 5370 mike.adams@hiteclabs.com

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