Press Release Summary = Goal-setting advice and quick tips for achieving your dreams in the New Year.
Press Release Body = In order for resolutions to actually fit into your life and become completed, they first need to become goals. Here are some basic goal-setting guidelines to help you with your resolutions.
Begin by setting up short and long term goals. Then devise a means of accomplishing both and evaluating your progress along the way towards completion. Because once you chart your progress, you will be able to see the different levels or stages needed to accomplish each step towards completing your resolution; i.e. you'll know what exactly you need to do to complete your goal.
Then mark off minor accomplishment rewards along each step of the way. For example, if you are trying to stop smoking, maybe you'll stop smoking in your car first, then your living room, then your family room, etc. until you finally quit smoking everywhere. So after quitting in each room, take a time out to reward all your hard work. Invite a friend out to lunch. Redecorate an old smoke filled room with fresh curtains and a nice clean rug. This way your road to resolution success won't seem so long and like drudgery. Plus by enjoying each step of the way, you are actually helping push yourself to your goal completion with powerful, positive giant steps forward.
Tips to help with your goal setting are:
1) Research and Education - Learn all you can about the resolution goals you want to make. Find out exactly what is involved in reaching your goal so that you can set up a step-by-step plan to reach them. For example, to lose weight, maybe you need to schedule an appointment with your local physician first to get a check up, than ask him or her help set you up with a good exercise and diet program. And plan your program accordingly, revising each month as needed.
2) Make your resolution goals manageable. Don't bite off more than you can chew. There's always next year. So tackle what's the most important to you first.
3) Attitude is important in order to accomplish your goals. Sure, everyone has a down time or so and things aren't always perfect. But if you need help with attitude, pick up self-help books at the public library, or read articles on self-improvement in this area, or reach out to your physician if you believe it may be a mental or internal issue.
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