Press Release Summary = Because heart disease is being identified as the number one killer of women, smoking can be harmful to a woman's heart health. There are a number of FDA approved medications like Zyban which can help women stop smoking, as well as skin patches which are also recommended by medical experts.
Press Release Body = recent review on heart disease discovered that Colleen Doyle, Director of Nutrition and Physical Activity with The American Cancer Society suggests that the most important ways for a woman to stay healthy and reduce her cancer risk, include the following:
Do not Smoke Eat Healthfully Increase physical activity Maintain healthy weight Reduce stress levels
Because heart disease is being identified as the number one killer of women, smoking can be harmful to a woman\'s heart health. There are a number of FDA approved medications like Zyban which can help women stop smoking, as well as skin patches which are also recommended by medical experts.
Since diet also plays an important role in women\'s health, women need to be smart about eating and food choices so that they will be getting the needed vitamins and minerals for their bodies.
In terms of developing an effective way to start to make better food choices, Doyle recommends writing down everything you eat during the course of the day, in order to help keep track of calories. Equally important is the process of making observations about your eating habits. For example, you may need to ask yourself questions such as: How often am I eating high- calories foods during the day? How much salad dressing am I actually using at lunch, or dinner? How many sweetened beverages have I had today? Cutting down on sugary fruit juices and sodas alone can make a significant difference in one\'s weight.
One of Doyle\'s obese clients decided to stop drinking sugary fruit juices and lost 17 pounds in one month. Doyle uses this example to help underscore the fact that many fruit juices contain high sugar content, and therefore add to your calorie count every day. Not a good thing if you are determined to keep your weight down for good health.
Most important of all, women need to stay physically active, not only to lose weight, but also to lower their risk for many diseases. According to the American Cancer Society, there is clear and convincing evidence that physical activity directly reduces the risk of breast and colon cancers. Research bears out that physical activity is connected to a 10-25% reduction in the risk of breast cancer and a 25-50% reduction of colon cancer.
Dr. Ben Johnson one of the proponents of a new alternative healing method called \"The Healing Codes\" has been saying for a long time that all disease is a result of stress and that your efforts as women should be concentrated on reducing your stress levels as much as possible.