The Latest Insolvency Statistics are Alarming But All is Not Lost, Says Clear Start

Released on = February 16, 2007, 9:01 am

Press Release Author = Clear Start

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = The insolvency figures published at the beginning of this
month (February) are alarming. They show clearly that not only do a staggering
number of people owe money in the UK, but that the proportion of the population that
is insolvent has risen dramatically over the last year.

Press Release Body = The insolvency figures published at the beginning of this month
(February) are alarming. They show clearly that not only do a staggering number of
people owe money in the UK, but that the proportion of the population that is
insolvent has risen dramatically over the last year.

There were nearly 30,000 individual insolvencies in England and Wales in the fourth
quarter of last year which was an increase of more than 44% on the same period in
2005. More worrying still is the prediction from a number of leading financial
analysts that these figures are set to rise still further.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, one of the contributors to the huge amount of consumer debt
at the beginning of the year has been over-spending at Christmas. Many consumers
blame store and credit cards for tempting them to borrow over the festive period and
then charging them incredibly high interest rates.

For those in serious debt, the latest statistics are indicative of the nightmare
that they are facing. According to a spokesperson from Clear Start, the UK's
National Consumer Debt Service, many people are so stressed by their debt problems
that they are unable to face up to them. Instead they ignore late payment reminders
and letters from creditors in the vain hope that their problems will just resolve

'This is a mistake. The best thing that someone with debt problems can do is to
phone a free helpline and get impartial advice about how to get back in control of
their finances. Only then will their problems start to go away.'

Clear Start is in a good position to offer this advice. The organisation has helped
thousands of debtors over the years to find solutions to their problems and make a
fresh start. As it can help set up the full range of debt solutions, it is able to
offer in-depth advice about what is best for the debtor based on an objective
analysis of his or her particular situation.

The advice it provides is completely free of charge and without obligation and its
team of specially trained experts are on hand to offer practical and independent

Callers to the free helpline (Tel: 0800 138 5445) can have confidence that they are
dealing with a professional and legitimate organisation which has the reputation of
being one of the most proficient and trustworthy in the industry.

For more information about Clear Start please contact Cheryl Corker or visit


Clear Start Consumer Debt Service was set up to provide debt advice and solutions
direct to consumers and on behalf of major UK creditors. The senior team brings best
practice from the Financial Services industry, whilst drawing some of the UK's
leading technical experts in the fields of insolvency and debt management. Between
the two main operational centres in London and Nottingham, and extended partner
operations, Clear Start employs over 100 professional staff and continues to expand
its capabilities.

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Contact Details = Clear Start

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