BILLIONAIRES - Corporate board members can create `billionaire clients`

Released on = March 28, 2007, 2:32 pm

Press Release Author = Ben Campbell

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Super-secret website can help corporate board members to
create \"billionaire clients\". Complete \"contact information\" for billionaires.

Press Release Body = Board members of corporations, big and small, can create
\"billionaire clients\" with the use of a computer diskette published by a
super-secret website.
Most corporations do not have any billionaires clients. And most Fortune 500
companies may only have 1 or billionaires as clients. A very small number of very
big corporates may have several billionaire clients. However, it took them decades
to develop the ability to acquire their \"billionaire clients\".
But, what if you don\'t have decades to develop a \"client base\" of \"billionaire
clients\". Or, you don\'t have the resources needed to create \"billionaire
clients\". Or you realize that you simply will never be able to create
\"billionaire clients\", whatsoever!
Now that problem is solved because the computer diskette published by the
super-secret website gives users all the information they need to make contact
with, communicate with, develop a relationship with, and create clients with
\"Billionaire clients\" is the hottest thing on Wall Street these days and having
\"billionaire clients\" can literally mean success or failure of you corporation
for a number of reasons.
Billionaires who buy your products make an excellent \"spokesperson\" for your
company and your products. And billionaires do have a major influence on the
public and when they say they like or approve of a product most people tend to
believe them.
Now you, too, can create \"billionaire clients\" for your corporation with the help
of the \"contact information\' recorded on the computer diskette. Recorded on the
computer diskette is the names of 450 U.S. Billionaires, their corporate names,
corporate addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers. Each listing includes
the Net Worth of each billionaire listed.
Corporation Board members interested in more information about the computer
diskette should visit the website at URL:

Web Site =

Contact Details = Ben Campbell

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