Cheap Secured Loans are likely to be expensive

Released on = March 9, 2007, 10:54 pm

Press Release Author = Aldrich Chappel

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = The current annual financial policy may push up the cost of
the rates of interest of secured loans, making it expensive.

Press Release Body = The current annual financial policy may push up the cost of the
rates of interest of secured loans, making it expensive. Although the secured loans
has a history of being one of the cheap financial deal but, the same could not be
predicted for the current year too. Voicing concern over lack of measures to stop
the rate, from further increasing, borrowers' forum is expected to take some actions
against it. The market analysts are of opinion that, lenders should also think twice
before taking any step towards increasing the rates of interest.

Showing its concern, Get Secured Loans is going to take some steps to appease its
customers. In an interview to a local television channel, Ms Olivia William the
financial relations executive of Get Secured Loans said "Get Secured Loans
understands borrowers need. That is the reason, why we don't want to implement the
guidelines given by current financial policy instantly. Firstly, we will set up a
panel, comprising of loan experts to study the current market situation. According
to panel's report, we will proceed further."

This move of Get Secured Loans seems to be a wise step and it will help the
customers to reestablish their faith on the organization. But, time will say, how
far this organization will live up to its assurance?

Get Secured Loans has been helping borrowers get financial help through various
services. Some of its popular services are secured debt consolidation loan, secured
home loans, secured homeowner loans, home equity loans, and secured loans UK. For
more information you can log on to

Web Site =

Contact Details = Kelton House,
London Road,
East Grinstead,
West Sussex,
RH19 1HH

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