The increasingly popular chat service Geesee has launched a revenue-sharing test. Now you can monetize your site by adding a great looking chat to it. You'll get paid for having a new feature on your website for free.
Press Release Body = Geesee is launching a beta testing of revenue-sharing for site owners. We plan to test it out on a number of websites that meet the minimum requirements for this test. During this beta testing the participating site-owners will receive 100% of the revenue! Requirements to become a revenue-sharing beta tester: - You need to place Geesee Chat on your website or blog. - It must be a website or blog; not any other implementation of Geesee Chat. - Your web page with our chat must have at least 500 unique visitors a day. - You need to have a Paypal account to receive payments from us. - We reserve the right not to include your site in our revenue-sharing beta testing for any reason. To find out more about Geesee Revenue Sharing, visit