Released on = April 5, 2007, 9:31 am

Press Release Author = CHARLES GOLDIE

Industry = Advertising

Press Release Summary = There is lots of ways to advertise your business online. But
there is no better way than the way it is explained in the free E-book its a must
for anyone that needs to succeed in business.

Press Release Body = Marketing and Advertising

There are great marketing strategies and ideas that can bring in a sizeable amount
of website traffic and revenue. Website owners wanting good ideas for marketing and
advertising are always seeking new and ingenious advertising and marketing methods.
While we offer a broad array of service-oriented websites, I wanted to explain
exactly how successful marketing can lead to maximum, effective exposure.

Being the website owner of a major online website, I often find myself
brainstorming new and creative ways of marketing witch I mention in my free e-book,
and making my site not only visitor/client-friendly, but informative and
entertaining as well.

Business and Cost

If your ads aren\'t generating the interest you want in your products and services
they may be suffering from one of the five common mistakes small business owners and
professional service providers make when developing and delivering their
advertising. One problem that small business owners have always faced is the high
cost of marketing. This applies to all areas of human life from personal
relationships to conducting business abroad.

If you can say the whole Lord\'s Prayer in 20 seconds, 30 is enough for your business
(no matter what the media person says).


There are so many newsletters out there covering so many different topics that it\'s
easy to find highly targeted ones to advertise in. And the secret of the e-book -
advertise in Ezines using $2,000 and you are guaranteed success unless your product
is useless. If you follow my proven strategy, you\'ll discover the best sources of
ezines to advertise in - no matter who your target group is and best of all its in
the free e-book download.

To advertise effectively in ezines, you must learn from experience - it\'s a process
of trial and error. Networking is an excellent way to advertise your forum.


This saves the landlord lots of time because the potential tenant can get the
property\'s information instantly and often won\'t call the landlord for a home
viewing unless they are really interested. We live in a fast paced world where
information needs to be at hand straightaway, people do not have time to search for
information. Nowadays, everybody uses the Internet to search for information and
they\'re using this powerful tool to search for ways to make money online.

To accomplish this, the affiliate needs their own web site or blog site with an
interesting topic and information that attracts the target market the affiliate is
looking to refer to their affiliate traffic.


Let\'s imagine we sent a letter to all the nearby businesses offering women a free
manicure valued at $30. I\'ve met with hundreds of businesses that advertise in the
Yellow Pages. At least that\'s how some businesses approach it. The yellow pages are
a great way to advertise offline.

Ask some businesses about radio advertising and they\'ll tell you it\'s the greatest
investment they ever made while others will tell you it was a complete waste of time
and money. Regularly putting on marketing seminars, has taken my businesses to grow
50% in a matter of weeks. You can listen to this 37 minute teleseminar recording to
see what I mean


There\'s something about the readiness, the handiness, the heft and feel of a
magazine or a newspaper that appeals to the nature of human beings. But as we page
through a magazine or a newspaper while enjoying our lunch or riding a commuter
train, we don\'t mind at all if a surprising or intelligent or just plain appealing
ad - even one in black and white - suddenly grabs our attention. This thinking has
given rise to the new breed of newspaper salesperson.

Advertise to the right audience and you get a good result with your advertising dollar.


Sponsor ads, top or bottom, rank next then we finish off with small, regular
classified ads which can number several per ezine issue. Usually you pay more for
solo ads, then sponsor ads, and less for classified ads. There are basically 3 types
of Ezine ads namely, Classified ads, Sponsor ads and Solo Ads.

Classified Ads - Placed usually at the end of the ezines, they are more affordably
priced and lesser read. Free Classified Ads. A few of the ezines you subscribe to
will allow you to submit a free classified ad as a bonus for subscribing.

* Copyright 2007, Charlie Goldie. You may republish this article in its entirety,
provided you leave the byline, author\'s note and website hyperlink intact.


Charlie is currently involved in affiliate marketing and has been for some time now.

HE has just recently purchased re-branding rights to a free e-book that gives people
good information before starting a home based business.

To download his e-book for free click this link:


Contact Details = Contact Information:

Phone : 7072248133
Fax :

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