Press Release Summary = Solacria is a non profit association joining experts and entrepreneurs to support national and international companies and institutions in the development of interexchanges between Sicily and the rest of the world.
Press Release Body = Solacria\'s mission is to give value and foster the newly-found regional culture based on the principles of using, accessing and sharing.
One of Solacria\'s main activities involves the constant search for institutional and business partners, both nationally and internationally, who intend to examine and exploit the opportunities offered by the land of Sicily.
Solacria aims to establish continuous relations with government institutions as well as professional, entreprenurial and industrial businesses, in the various countries where it operates, thereby constantly promoting experience exchanges and proposing large-scale projects.
Solacria, as a network made of professionals and experts in all sectors, offers to the members: consultancy and training, organization and attendance of events and joint initiatives;promotion of and assistance in creating new economic and entrepreneurial businesses;communication activities and consultancy on corporate internationalization;sectorial research and studies.
Solacria sees expertise, meaning a fusion of the qualities of reliability, punctuality and respectability, as the founding base for its partners.
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