Fatherhood Poll - Moms, Not Dads, Still More Likely to Fly Alone with Children

Released on = May 17, 2007, 7:35 am

Press Release Author = InteractiveDad.com

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = Just 33-percent of dads say they would be more likely than
moms to take the kids on an airplane by themselves, the InteractiveDad.com poll

Press Release Body = Tampa, Fla. / May 17, 2007 - Moms are still more likely than
dads to fly alone with their children on an airplane, a new online survey by
InteractiveDad.com shows.

The poll by the free online magazine for fathers finds just 33-percent of dads say
they would be more likely than mom to travel alone on a plane with children.

"I'm somewhat, but not totally surprised by the survey," says Glenn Lawrence, editor
of InteractiveDad.com. "More dads should try it. It's not as hard as it looks and
it can be a lot of fun."

Lawrence says he's been on planes alone with his young children starting from when
they were babies. His wife either couldn't make the trip or had to return early.

He says judging from reactions he received from flight attendants "you'd think I was
parting the Red Sea. They offer to help me out presumably because they think a dad
is not as capable as a mom in handling the challenge," Lawrence says.

The poll finds that just 21-percent of fathers say they've traveled alone with a
child under 2. But of those who have, 73-percent say the experience was uneventful
and they'd do it again; 20-percent say they'd think twice about doing it again;
7-percent say they'd never do it again.

About InteractiveDad.com: InteractiveDad.com is the free online magazine for
fathers. It offers free articles and advice on parenting, family finance and other
topics of interest to fathers.


Web Site = http://www.InteractiveDad.com

Contact Details = Contact: Glenn Lawrence
Email: glawrence@interactivedad.com
Phone: (813) 300-5454
Website: http://www.InteractiveDad.com

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