Jobs on Part Time Basis Ideal for Working Moms

Released on = July 17, 2007, 7:02 am

Press Release Author = Lala C. Ballatan

Industry = Law

Press Release Summary = According to results from national surveys, there is a sharp
increase on the number of working mothers in America who claim that having a job on
a part time basis is more preferable rather than staying at home or working full
time. One of the surveys was conducted by the Pew Research Center and released on
Thursday. It turned up with figures that 60% of working mothers claim that the best
set-up for them is having a part-time employment. This is quite a big jump from the
figures 10 years ago when only 48% claims that they would rather be employed on a
part-time basis.

Press Release Body = According to results from national surveys, there is a sharp
increase on the number of working mothers in America who claim that having a job on
a part time basis is more preferable rather than staying at home or working full
time. One of the surveys was conducted by the Pew Research Center and released on
Thursday. It turned up with figures that 60% of working mothers claim that the best
set-up for them is having a part-time employment. This is quite a big jump from the
figures 10 years ago when only 48% claims that they would rather be employed on a
part-time basis.

Los Angeles, California, July 12, 2007 - Meanwhile, only 21% of the employed mothers
raising children under the age of 18 who considers a full-time and regular work as
an excellent arrangement. This is a decrease from the survey results recorded 10
years before, which shows 32% favorable to full-time employment.

Those claiming that it is ideal for them not to be employed at all amounts to 19%.
This is almost the same figure from last 1997.

According to Cary Funk one of the researchers of Pew, who concentrated on the given
survey, the statistics they came up with manifest the present thoughts of women
regarding the ideal situation for their kids.

Funk claims that it could be a reflection of how difficult it is to balance work and
family responsibilities, on the part f the mother. Although, the survey may not mean
that the moms working full time would forgo their jobs.

Aside from the given facts, the survey also turned up with a change in the
preferences of non-working mothers. Sixteen percent of the stay-at-home moms claim
that it would be ideal for them to be employed outside their home on full-time
basis. This figure is a relevant increase from the 24% figures ten years ago. Forty
eight percent of the mothers based in their homes without working still prefer such
arrangement, which is a substantial increase from the 39% who preferred such back in

Pew Research Center conducted the surveys through telephone during the months of
February and March. The number of national samples amount to 2,020 adults. The
surveys have allocated three percentage points as margin of error in the full sample
and have a higher percentage points for the subgroups.

However, current figures in the federal government note that 70.5% of women in
America with kids under the age of 18 are working outside their home. This also
includes the 60% of mothers with babies (children under the age of 3).

However, the growing preference of mothers for part-time employment does not fit
with the current reality in American society wherein almost three-quarters of the
employed mothers are holding down full-time jobs.

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