Press Release Summary: A \"new company\" (name only known as "The End of Foreclosures" promises to help end foreclosures by 2012. This new company\'s website has received hundreds of visitors within their first few hours of its countdown pre-registration page launch and is expected to reach thousands by January 1st 2008.
Press Release Body: A \"new company\" (name only known as "The End of Foreclosures" promises to help end foreclosures by 2012. This new company\'s website has received hundreds of visitors within their first few hours of its countdown pre-registration page launch and is expected to reach thousands by January 1st 2008.
Although there are a few speculations circulating the Internet, the brains behind this well anticipated project (or service) has continued to keep their mouths sealed. Although I don\'t know much, however a title as \"The End of Foreclosures\" during this foreclosure crisis is pretty captivating and intriguing. I personally know a few people who have to deal with this situation during this Christmas season.
With a staggering number of foreclosures every year, it is no surprise that millions of honest and hardworking Americans are being left homeless and victimized. Even with multiple firms and websites specializing in foreclosures, the astounding and unacceptable fact remains that only one out of three homeowners eventually escapes foreclosure, I believe the numbers are. Within this demographic are mothers, fathers, young and the elderly people who are forced to succumb to this emotional rollercoaster because of misleading mortgage agreements and dead-end subprime lending.
During a sensitive time in our nation's history, support is needed for Americans who have become prey to spontaneous interest hikes, as well as, unforeseen medical expenses, caused by deadly illnesses, breadwinners at war or simply missing paychecks. I can\'t imagine a homeowner who wouldn\'t want to signup during this holiday season! Currently the site has a simple sign up page for notification of website launch, which can be found here: