A NEW VISION - Natural Balance Pet Foods and Petco team up to support Guide Dogs of the Desert
Released on: February 26, 2008, 11:41 am
Press Release Author: Daniel Bernstein
Industry: Consumer Services
Press Release Summary: Fifty cents from each bag of Natural Balance Pet Foods will go to support Guide Dogs of the Desert, plus a special \"round up\" program for consumers to help give even more to this important organization.
Press Release Body: After the recent special presentation of $10,000 from Natural Balance Pet Foods and the Petco Foundation to Guide Dogs of the Desert, which was presented during actor and Natural Balance founder Dick Van Patten\'s star ceremony at the Palm Springs Walk of Stars, Natural Balance and Petco today announced a special program that begins in April. During that month, fifty cents from each bag of Natural Balance Pet Foods will go to the Guide Dogs of the Desert, which trains dogs to assist the blind. Additional, Petco will have a \"round up\" program, which allows consumers to round up every dollar figure on items sold to the next dollar, with the additional amount going to Guide Dogs of the Desert. For example, if a purchase was $6.26, consumers could \"round up\" to $7.00, with the extra amount going to Guide Dogs of the Desert.
\"We are so proud to be associated with Guide Dogs of the Desert, as they stand for everything that we do. Helping others, taking care of animals, and trying to make a difference in people\'s and animal\'s lives. Along with Petco, we plan on raising a great deal of money for this very worthy cause,\" said actor/Natural Balance founder Dick Van Patten in a statement.
Roccie Hill, executive director of Guide Dogs of the Desert said "The partnership with Natural Balance is a \"natural\" fit for us. Natural Balance is committed to providing a balanced diet for every need an animal has, including service animals. We are pleased to feed Natural Balance to our guide dogs in training residing in our kennel and proud to recommend this food to our puppy raisers and graduates."
About Guide Dogs of the Desert: Guide Dogs of the Desert, a 501(c)(3) non profit public benefit organization, offers safe mobility, loving companionship and the \"miracle of independence\" to the blind through the use of a guide dog. Since 1972, they have bred, raised and trained guide dogs for the blind at their Whitewater, CA facility. Guide Dogs of the Desert also trains their blind clients to work with their dogs, all at no cost to their clients.
Press Contact for Natural Balance: Daniel Bernstein of Warren Cowan and Associates 310-275-0777 dbernsteinpr@aol.com
Web Site: http://www.naturalbalanceinc.com
Contact Details: Natural Balance Pet Foods www.naturalbalanceinc.com