Doctor Web, Ltd and Corbina Telecom press-conference - DrWeb AV-Desk - a new approach to anti-virus protection
Released on: February 5, 2008, 12:48 am
Press Release Author: Information Service, Doctor Web, Ltd.
Industry: Computers
Press Release Summary: Doctor Web, Ltd. and Corbina Telecom (one of the largest ISP in Russia) held a press-conference in Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya hotel. The conference headlined "Dr.Web AV-Desk - a new approach to protection from viruses and spam".
Press Release Body: On January 30 Doctor Web, Ltd. and Corbina Telecom (one of the largest ISP in Russia) held a press-conference in Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya hotel. The conference headlined "Dr.Web AV-Desk - a new approach to protection from viruses and spam" saw a presentation of the Dr.Web AV-Desk service - a brand-new was of delivering of anti-virus & anti-spam protection via service providers to every desktop with no matching competitor in Russia. Moreover, the service is a new business model that will enable a provider to attract new customers and increase profits.
What do we call an anti-virus? Typically, it is a product in a box or an e-license with certain functions limited by the very concept of a product. As a rule a usage time is also limited by a licence and it is rather expensive to an end user. This is the anti-virus stereotype that has been completely outturned by Doctor Web, Ltd. at the end of 2007 when it supplied Dr.Web AV-Desk to Corbina Telecom thus presenting the new product to the Russian market. The statistics reported at the conference says that over 60 000 of RuNet users have subscribed to the service from Corbina Telecom in the last two months.
Doctor Web, Ltd. consider it natural. Igor Daniloff, the creator of Dr. Web anti-virus and the owner of the company said that best technologies developed by the company were used for the service. "The new service is based on Dr.Web Enterprise Suite, the software with 5 year experience of development and improvements which has been successfully implemented in the GAZ "Elections" system and has found its application in many small, medium-sized and large companies" - added Igor Daniloff.
Doctor Web, Ltd. CEO Boris Sharov stated the following: "The service is unique because a subscription to anti-virus protection from a provider gets a user licenced and low-cost (customers of Corbina Telecom get it free of charge) protection of his/her PC without usage time limitation. In a developer-provider-user scheme it is not only a user that gets a benefit but a provider as well, for Dr.Web AV-Desk is an extra competitive advantage and a profitable business model that attracts new customers. The first experience of the service deployment in Corbina Telecom networks is more than successful, so we intend to cooperate more closely with the ISP and promote the service in other regions of Russia".
Valentin Fedotov, a business development manager provided more details on protection of Corbina Telecom customers by Dr.Web AV-Desk: "Frankily speaking we did expect that customers of Corbina Telecom would be interested in this service and it would be in high demand. However, the infection level for home PCs infected with viruses, Trojans, spyware and other malicious programmes turned out to be beyond our expectations. Machines were infected by latest malware as well as by old modifications which only anti-virus oldies can remember. Given that our product may be installed on a computer infected by any malware we were able to decrease significantly infection level in Corbina networks".
Eugene Gladkih, the main developer of Dr.Web AV-Desk answered journalists' questions about technologies used in the service.
A lot of questions were directed to Andrey Borisov, a manager of Corbina Telecom Home Internet department, for the department could fully use benefits of the new service.
Andrey Borisov said that Corbina Telecom held a tender which was participated by all leading anti-virus market players. It turned out that Dr.Web solutions were most reliable, cost-efficient and compatible with other protection tools. "We chose very carefully; we needed an efficient solution with low system requirements which would install on an infected machine. Dr.Web for Windows. Anti-virus+Anti-spam met our requirements and now it can be installed on computers of our customers using Dr.Web AV-Desk service". Doctor Web, Ltd. and Corbina Telecom plan to encourage all customers of the ISP to use Dr.Web AV-Desk and promote the service in other regions of Russia. Both parties said that resources and capacities issues would be handled easily. If another day all customers of Corbina Telecom subscribe to the service, both companies will be prepared to serve them well.
Information Service Doctor Web, Ltd.
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Contact Details: Doctor Web, Ltd. 2-12A, 3rd St. Yamskogo polya, 125124, Moscow, Russia Tel: +7 (495) 789-45-87 Fax: +7 (495) 789-45-97