Press Release Summary: Old family snapshots can become great photos by Photo restoration
Press Release Body: 1) To remove stains open the Photoshop and call the commands Image - Adjustments - Desaturate
2) Adjust the levels by opening the Levels dialogue box and calling the commands Image - Adjustments - Levels and set up the appropriate input value.
3) To increase the sharpness of the image select the command Sharpen - Unsharp Mask from the menu Filter and set the appropriate values for the parameters
4) To change the contrast or brightness of the image move the slider Contrast or Brightness to the right or left in the Brightness/Contrast dialogue box.
5) To remove scratches, select the scratches. Switch to the Quick Mask mode and use a pencil to paint over the scratches
6) To remove the small defects. Select the Filter menu. Use the Zoom tool to change the image scale so that you could see even the smallest stains. These stains are then generally removed by using clone stamp tool, Patch tool or brush tool.
7) We can improve the photo by applying the filter Gaussian Blur (Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) with the value of the Radius parameter equal to 1.
For further details- Image Restoration Services
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Contact Details: Sai BPO Services(UK) Ltd 417, Trocoll House Wakering Road, Barking Essex IG11 8PD Phone : 00 44 2085944844