Building business success through an innovative and responsible culture
Released on: March 20, 2008, 9:41 am
Press Release Author: Article 13
Industry: Environment
Press Release Summary: Building business success through an innovative and responsible culture
Responsible business has moved up the corporate agenda as ethical, social and environmental issues and commercial imperatives have aligned.
To deliver such a profound shift, change needs to start at the top, where senior managers feel able to lead and inspire employees into delivering socially aware as well as financially sound innovation.
Press Release Body: Building business success through an innovative and responsible culture
Responsible business has moved up the corporate agenda as ethical, social and environmental issues and commercial imperatives have aligned.
To deliver such a profound shift, change needs to start at the top, where senior managers feel able to lead and inspire employees into delivering socially aware as well as financially sound innovation.
Master-class objective
The master-class is designed to give members of the senior management team the confidence to deliver this radical change.
By the end of the master-class participants will drawn on their own inner and collective resources to work as an effective team and inspire employees to deliver, value generating socially aware products, processes and services.
Benefits For the organisation Organisations will benefit from a senior management team that is able to build business and shareholder value through:
- Being able to make the link between responsible and financially sound innovation - Creating confident and accountable teams - Harnessing individual Personal Responsibility and transforming it into a collective force for innovation and change - Delivering employee empowerment and engagement - Cascading the concept of personal responsibility in delivering responsible innovation throughout the organisation - Embedding and integrating a responsible and innovative culture that increases shareholder value
Programme content A two day non residential course for 10 to 12 participants followed by the recommended option of 5 one to one coaching sessions for each participant, or the required number of team sessions, to support them in turning the master-class into action.
The two day programme can also be run in-house if required and tailored to the specific needs of the organisation
Participant profile Individuals and/or teams from either multinational or the public sector, whose work is touching on the areas of: Sustainable Development, Governance or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and are tasked with making their organisations and cultures responsible, but innovation focussed:
- Senior managers - Aspiring senior managers - Leadership teams - Members of Business Responsibility teams
Contact For more information please contact Neela Bettridge Article 13 71a The Grove London W5 5LL T: 020 8840 4450 F: 020 8566 4738
Or visit our website Article 13 are experts in business responsibility typically in the area of CSR, sustainability and governance Article 13 is recognised as an Investor in People ISO 9001:2000 accredited A signatory of the United Nations Global Compact
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Contact Details: Neela Bettridge Article 13 71a The Grove London W5 5LL T: 020 8840 4450 F: 020 8566 4738