Confero Mystery Shopping launches their new programs

Released on: March 9, 2008, 8:24 pm

Press Release Author: Decurro Ltd

Industry: Consumer Services

Press Release Summary: The Confero group has recently launched a new set of programs
that will entice new members to take mystery shopping jobs. New members will enjoy
more incentives and more attractive programs from now on. As a mystery shopping
firm, Confero is looking forward to taking a market leader role in the mystery
shopping industry. The Confero group announced that these new set of programs will
make the mystery shoppers more motivated to shop and to provide great reviews for
client products.

Press Release Body: The Confero group has recently launched a new set of programs
that will entice new members to take mystery shopping jobs. New members will enjoy
more incentives and more attractive programs from now on. As a mystery shopping
firm, Confero is looking forward to taking a market leader role in the mystery
shopping industry. The Confero group announced that these new set of programs will
make the mystery shoppers more motivated to shop and to provide great reviews for
client products.

The Confero Chief Executive Officer announced yesterday that the Vice President for
marketing communications will be overhauling their website as well. Some initiatives
that they will take are in the line of search engine optimization. The Vice
President for marketing communications believes that more search engine optimization
programs for the website will allow more traffic to flow to their site. The Vice
President for marketing communications says that there is too little traffic on the
website to generate enough noise and to recruit enough members for their corporate
goals to materialize.

Confero Mystery shopping members are now excited to see the future of this promising
new firm. With the new programs recently launched, the Confero mystery shopping
members will enjoy so many different incentives. The members of the Confero mystery
shopping group have expressed their gratitude and optimism for the new programs
launched by the company. Many members say that this is a step forward in turning the
company into a big player in the mystery shopping industry.

The executive vice president for finance says that the future of the company will be
bright because of these new programs. More members will increase the equity of the
site and will attract more employers and clients. The executive vice president said
in an early meeting this week that these new moves will certainly attract more
advertisements to the site. Competing for market share in advertising revenue will
be a main initiative taken by the Confero group.

Members and new members for the Confero mystery shopping firm will now enjoy more
attractive programs and better incentives. The vice president for human resources
says that these new incentive programs are going to retain more competitive mystery
shoppers and it will also provide better recruiting opportunities for new members.
Retention programs are also a new move for the vice president for human resources.
She announced yesterday that there will be tenure incentives for long time members
in the near future.

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Contact Details: Seethanu, KPG

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