Intervention Specialist Press Releases Comprehensive Services For Family Interventions
Released on: March 9, 2008, 11:22 pm
Press Release Author: Steven Lodge
Industry: Small Business
Press Release Summary: Los Angeles, CA March 2008 Imagine discovering that a family member has a serious problem with drugs or alcohol? You confront the family member on the issue, but they deny a problem exists or steadfastly reject any form of help. Do you walk away and pretend the problem does not exist? Do you wait until the loved one hits the proverbial "bottom"? Where would you go to find help? The answer is Steven Lodge Interventions. The initial consultation and assessment for family interventions is free and just a phone call away.
Press Release Body: Steven Lodge, founder of Steven Lodge Interventions based in Los Angeles, has been through the process himself and knows exactly what the family goes through as addiction progresses:
"I had been seriously involved with drugs and alcohol for over ten years and had been keeping it a dark secret from my family and friends. When my wife discovered my secret, she was devastated not only by my problem, but also was faced with the arduous decision of what to do next. The solution, as she discovered, was a family intervention."
According to Lodge, a family intervention is the most loving act a family can do for a family member suffering from addiction. "I think the first thing a family should recognize is that addiction is a disease and treatment is available to arrest the sickness. The disease should be addressed as soon as possible. If a person was suffering from any other type of disease where treatment was available, they wouldn't sit around and hope that it heals itself. They get help. Addiction requires the same vigilance, yet oftentimes is ignored. The problem with addiction, like most other diseases, is that if left untreated it gets worse."
A family intervention seeks to avoid the anguish, intense suffering, and severe health consequences (sometimes death) that occur when addicts hit their "bottom". "I acknowledge that sometimes an addict has to reach their bottom, but I believe that a family should first intervene with a family intervention. A well organized family intervention will artificially raise the bottom, and will do so in a gentle and loving atmosphere. Treatment is offered as a gift, or an opportunity, and a way to begin enjoying life instead of enduring it."
Recovery from addiction is a difficult process for the addict and the family. Finding the right facility and intervention services to support recovery shouldn't be. For more information on family interventions, visit or contact Steven at
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Contact Details: Steven Lodge Steven lodge Interventions 310 392-1201 Los Angeles, CA