Easy Download trough QR-Codes

Released on: April 9, 2008, 12:57 am

Press Release Author: Oliver

Industry: Advertising

Press Release Summary: The Euro 08 games are edging ever closer. It's time to get
the suitable fan products for the big event. Lalaola is just the thing for those who
want to support their teams at the public viewings or in the stadium.

Press Release Body: Zurich, Switzerland, April 09 2008 -- Lalaola is a small Java
program that quickly turns any mobile into a perfect fan tool. By simply pressing a
key, the mobile's built-in speakers can be used to play sounds.
The application has 5 functions that can be easily called up via the mobile
keyboard. The well-known stadium horn sound, a euphoric "Goaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal" cry or
even the national anthem are available. The corresponding text appears instantly in
a Karaoke like manner in the display as a running text.

Lalaola is available for all teams participating in the Euro 2008 games. Each
Lalaola version is geared towards the audio and visual requirements of the
respective country.
More Informations and the applications for al teams can be found on

For Companies:
For companies Lalaola is available in a customized version. This branded licence
package makes your product a "brandig to go".
Among the prominent placement of your brand on all functions of the application, you
have a free choice of content for one of the control keys. For example your jingle
ore even the song of your current advertising campaign.
And the best part: you will get a download revenue share. Detailed information and
prices can be found

QR-Codes are making it easy:
On the website http://www.lalaola.com all the versions of the application can be
downloaded in a easy way. Just by using the mobile tagging technology with 2D
Barcodes (QR-Codes). All Codes are offline Code, wich means they dont need onlie
Once the codes are scanned, they will send a textmessage to the given number.
Keyword enlosed.

Alternatively the user can send a textmessage by him self. By typing the number and
the keyword.
Aviable for the following countries:

Send the Message LALAOLA

From Belgium to: 3011 (Euro 1.50 / SMS)
Lalaola costs Euro 3.-

From Holland to: 3111 (regular SMS Tarif)
Lalaola costs Euro 3.-

From UK to: 83333 (regular SMS Tarif)
Lalaola costs 1,50 £

From Ireland to: 57888 (regular SMS Tarif)
Lalaola costs Euro 3.-

From France to: 82008 (regular SMS Tarif)
Lalaola costs Euro 3.-

From Norway to: 2223 (regular SMS Tarif)
Lalaola costs 20,00 NOK

From Sweden to: 72401 (regular SMS Tarif)
Lalaola costs 20,00 SEK

From Denmark to: 1230 (regular SMS Tarif)
Lalaola costs 15,00 DK

From Finnland to: 17151 (regular SMS Tarif)
Lalaola costs Euro 3.-
Press Release Distribution By PressReleasePoint(http://www.pressreleasepoint.com)

Zurich, Switzerland

Web Site: http://www.lalaola.com

Contact Details: Oliver
Zurich, Switzerland

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