Groundbreaking Turbocharger Speed Sensors Are Made Available For Use On All Turbocharged Cars

Released on: April 14, 2008, 3:58 am

Press Release Author: Natasha Miller, Turbo Dynamics

Industry: Automotive

Press Release Summary: Turbocharger Speed Sensors - already an important part used
in today's commercial vehicles - are now available for use in passenger cars.

Press Release Body: Turbocharger specialists, Turbo Dynamics (TD) have added the new
speed sensors to their vast range of turbocharger and performance products to enable
everyday drivers and commuters to get the most out of their car turbos. A step
forward for the industry, the speed sensors will allow people to monitor the inner
workings of their turbos, even when driving or the car bonnet is closed.

TD also introduce the speed sensors at an ideal time; with EGR rates and rising
power densities in modern cars, turbos are being pushed closer to their limits.
However, by introducing the speed sensors to these vehicles, maximum power can be
achieved without consequential reductions to the turbos' reliability.

The nifty sensors, which can be used with any turbocharger, work by monitoring the
turbo's shaft speed either through a data logger or a speed sensor gauge. The
information gained detailing the turbo compressor wheel's speed, then enables
drivers to get both maximum performance and a longer life from their turbos.

Further data can be extracted with the speed sensors by comparing the boost levels
and shaft speed on a compressor flow map, from which ideal operating conditions can
be determined. By then running turbos under these conditions, peak power can be
reached over a larger operating range resulting in better power and response for

By studying the data it is also easy to closely estimate the car engine's flow
behaviour, for which a Flow Bench would normally be required. This invaluable
information then enables drivers to determine if their turbos are reaching their
maximum performance or if they're over-speeding, which could be potentially damaging
to the components involved. The outcome also means that drivers can validate whether
or not they have fitted the correct turbos to their cars for their needs.

TD supply two Speed Sensor Kits for use on all turbocharged vehicles: the 'Speed
Sensor Pro Kit', which includes speed sensor, wiring harness and installation
instructions, and the 'Speed Sensor Street Kit', which also includes a turbo speed
gauge. Both of the kits' speed sensors are compatible with data loggers to enhance
engine tuning capability and can be used in conjunction with aftermarket ECUs to
limit compressor speeds.

The informative installation instructions contain detailed technical drawings of the
exact machining specifications for Garrett turbochargers, as well as guidelines for
other compressor housing types and the wiring, also included, allows for easy
installation of the sensors.

Dorset based innovators, TD recommend the use of the Street Kit's turbo speed gauge,
which boasts a useful maximum speed recall function with the ability to retain the
highest wheel speed for five minutes, thus allowing for easier mapping. A practical
and immensely useful gadget, the gauge has the appearance of a speedometer and can
be fitted to the dashboard at the driver's preferred position.

TD Managing Director, Peter Marsh said of the new Speed Sensors, "They will enable
more accurate mapping and tuning of turbocharged engines, which is fantastic news
for all concerned. It means better power output, less lag, better fuel economy and
in a time where Global Warming is of upmost concern, this couldn't be better news."

TD's Speed Sensor Pro Kit (PN: 781328-0002) is currently available at an
introductory price of �260.00 + VAT and the Speed Sensor Street Kit with speed gauge
(PN: 781328-0001) is available for just �300.00 + VAT. To order yours now, call TD's
Sales team on tel. 01202 487497 or email:

Web Site:

Contact Details: Turbo Dynamics, 20-21 Somerford Business Park, Wilverley Road,
Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 3RU ENGLAND.

Tel.: 01202 487497
Fax: 01202 487467

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