Tips to Reduce Water Usage from the Water Damage Team

Released on: April 15, 2008, 2:36 pm

Press Release Author: mathew guiver, water damage team

Industry: Construction

Press Release Summary: Follow these twenty simple tips from the Water Damage Team to
save water in your home.

Press Release Body: Wake Forest, NC - Consider these twenty easy tips from the Water
Damage Team and you can drastically reduce the amount of water used and waster in
your home.

"If you follow these simple tips you can save gallons of water every single day,"
claims David Beavers, of the Water Damage Team. "You can feel good about helping the
environment and cut down on your water bills at the same time."

1. Do not put water down the drain when there might be an alternative use for it
such as cleaning, or watering a plant.

2. By adding food coloring to the tank you can check for leaks. If the toilet is
leaking, color will appear within a 30-minute period. Check the toilet for corroded,
worn out or bent parts.

3. After you wet your toothbrush, turn off the water. It is unnecessary to keep the
water running while brushing your teeth.

4. When buying a new dishwasher, consider purchasing a water-saving model. New
models use up to 25 percent less water than older ones, saving up to 4 gallons of
water per load, and saving you money.

5. Verify that your house is free of hidden water leaks. Read your water meter
before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does
not read precisely the same then there is a leak.

6. Washing only full loads in the clothes washer is more efficient. Washing a small
load uses over twice as much water per pound of laundry.

7. When washing dishes by hand, only leave the water on while rinsing a dish, not in
between rinses.

8. Always se a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks.

9. Do not use running water to thaw meat or other frozen foods. Defrost food
overnight in the refrigerator or by using the defrost setting on your microwave.

10. Water your garden either first thing in the morning or late in the evening; this
will reduce the amount of water that is evaporated by the sun.

11. Insulating your water pipes will get hot water faster, as well as avoid wasting
water while it heats up.

12. Water your lawn only when it needs it. A reliable way to see if your lawn needs
watering is to step on the grass. If it springs back up when you move, it doesn\'t
need water. If it stays flat, the lawn needs to be watered.

13. Kitchen sink disposals require lots of water to operate properly. Start a
compost pile as an alternate method of disposing food waste instead of using a
garbage disposal.

14. Cover you pool. Using a cover is the best way to prevent water loss from your
pool. Studies show that pool covers can reduce swimming pool water evaporation by
nearly 30%

15. After boiling an egg wait for the water to cool down and then use it to water
your houseplants. Your plants will benefit from all the nutrients that are released
from the shell.

16. Put a plastic bottle filled with pebbles or sand in the toilet tank to reduce
flushing water.

17. Even small drips can waste hundreds of gallons of water each day. Check all
water using fixture frequently for drips.

18. Put a layer of mulch around trees and plants. Mulch will slow evaporation of
moisture while discouraging weed growth.

19. Avoid flushing the toilet without need. Dispose of tissues, insects and other
such waste in a wastebasket instead of the toilet.

20. Replace your showerhead with an ultra-low-flow version and take shorter (and
perhaps fewer) showers.

Web Site:

Contact Details: The Water Damage Team is a nation wide disaster restoration
company, with years of experience in water removal and water drying. As well as
storm damage clean up, contaminated water removal of all levels, structural drying,
debris removal and mold remediation. Our water damage restoration specialist are
trained and certified in all of the industries standards and techniques. At the
Water Damage Team we understand that rapid response is key to preventing any
additional loss, so our specialist are available to answer calls and response 24
hours a day 7 days a week. Call 1-800-533-0626 for immediate assistance.

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