TranslateMedia attracts US investors and launches New York office

Released on: April 9, 2008, 3:45 am

Press Release Author: Patrick Eve

Industry: Advertising

Press Release Summary: TranslateMedia - an award winning translation and
localization company with offices in London, Paris and Brussels- officially launched
its office in New York this week.
TranslateMedia also secured a strategic investment from the US venture capital fund

Press Release Body: Managing Director Patrick Eve says "We are delighted to have NHI
II on board as strategic partners in TranslateMedia as we launch our operations in
the single most important market in translation and localization in the world.
Their team brings a huge amount of local know-how and experience to the table and
they have really helped us to hit the ground running."

Dave Hadani, NHI II's CEO remarked "We have been studying this space for some time
and have been keen to get involved in an important and fast growing part of
international trade. We were immediately impressed by TranslateMedia's management
and approach to this industry and felt that their innovative workflow tools and
strong approach to translation as a service industry gives then a significant
competitive edge. Clients seem increasingly motivated by quality, speed, price,
service and confidentiality when choosing a supplier and TranslateMedia seem to
address these issues better than other companies that we examined."

In 2007, TranslateMedia became one of a shortlist of agencies to be awarded the
European Standard in BS EN 15038: 2006, the first standard to define quality
assurance guidelines for translation service providers. "The company's unique
web-based technology platform optimizes the delivery fast, accurate and cost
effective translations services and I am confident that we will respond to the high
demands of the US market in this respect".

"Our research found that existing translation providers often neglected important
areas of business such as client confidentiality, IT security, round the clock
helpdesk facilities, and were generally not in touch with their clients'
requirements and working methods", says Hamish Wood, TranslateMedia's US country
manager. "TranslateMedia has addressed these issues and further enhanced by
TranslateMedia's integration to translation memory supplier MemoQ We therefore
positioned TranslateMedia to satisfy the requirements of business in the 21st

According to Operations Manager, Matt Train, "Our technology has been developed for
use by everyone in the translation process to facilitate a quick and efficient
service. Our platform is like a Command and Control centre, enabling our client to
receive real time information on their jobs, and delivering top quality service at a
surprising speed. Achieving, and in many cases surpassing, the requirements of the
British Standard reflects the outstanding competence of our internal processes, as
well as our commitment to providing a quality service."

Notes to the editor
TranslateMedia is a fast growing and innovative digital document translation company
focused on servicing the most demanding customers. TranslateMedia has become the
fourth UK-based agency to be awarded British Standard BS EN 15038: 2006, the first
European standard to define quality assurance guidelines for translation service

TranslateMedia was founded in response to a growing market demand for a modern
"service orientated" translations agency. The company is managed by both business
professionals with years of experience on the client side of the industry as well as
the language services professionals with extensive translation experience.

For further information please contact Jose Gutierrez , TranslateMedia's Marketing &
PR manager on +33 1 75 43 92 55 or

A flash presentation about TranslateMedia's corporate workflow platform is available

Web Site:

Contact Details: For further information please contact Jose Gutierrez ,
TranslateMedia's Marketing & PR manager on +33 1 75 43 92 55 or
23 rue Feydeau
Paris 75002

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