Authentic Treasure Auction in Florida

Released on: May 7, 2008, 11:10 pm

Press Release Author: Sedwick Coins

Industry: Consumer Services

Press Release Summary: Winter Park, FL - The latest mail-bid Treasure Auction

Press Release Body: Winter Park, FL - The latest mail-bid Treasure Auction from
Daniel Frank Sedwick will close at 5 pm Eastern Time on Thursday, May 29, 2008.
Printed catalogs (are available for $25 each, free to bidders) Also lots can be seen
online at

Featured in this Treasure Auction #3 there are dozens of choice gold cobs (mostly
from the Spanish 1715 Fleet, sunk off the east coast of Florida); a second offering
of gold nuggets from a 1558 Portuguese wreck off Africa; thirteen "tumbaga" silver
bars from a 1520s shipwreck in the Bahamas; an extremely rare ca.-1580 bronze
astrolabe in coral, a collection of Spanish colonial 8 reales from cobs through
busts; scores of perfectly preserved Chinese porcelains from wrecks off the
Philippines; the latest selection of silver cobs from the Consolaci�n wreck of 1681;
and the first-ever auction offering of silver coins from the ca.-1810 "Coconut
wreck" from deep in the Atlantic. Many more coins and artifacts are also offered,
over 1165 lots in all, with a pre-auction estimate of $625,000 to $900,000 total.

Web Site:

Contact Details: or by phone at (407) 975-3325 or by mail at
P.O. Box 1964, Winter Park, FL, 32790, for more information and to sign up to
receive the catalog for this auction and become a bidder.

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