Salt Lake City Injured Veteran Given Bed to Help Sleep

Released on: May 16, 2008, 1:17 pm

Press Release Author: Kristin Bostic/ 919 Marketing

Industry: Consumer Services

Press Release Summary: 92% of wounded OEF/OIF veterans report trouble sleeping;
Craftmatic® to donate 55 beds to troops in 2008

Press Release Body: South Jordan, UT -May 16, 2008 - A 2007 survey of severely
wounded troops from the War on Terror found that 92% have trouble sleeping due to
nightmares, insomnia and pain. In order to combat this looming problem among our
already distressed military, Craftmatic® Adjustable Beds has embarked on their
CraftmaticCARES Program to donate one adjustable bed, free-of-charge to a severely
wounded War on Terror veteran each week in 2008.

Layne Morris, U.S. Army (Ret.) from South Jordan, Utah is this week's winner.

Morris enlisted in the military in 1983 and served proudly in the Special Forces for
22 years before he was medically retired due to combat related injuries in 2005. He
was last stationed in a southeastern province of Afghanistan along the Pakistani
border with the 19th Special Forces Group.

"Our job was to hunt down Taliban and Al Qaeda members who were still operating in
the southeastern area of Afghanistan," Morris remembers. "On July 27th, 2002 we were
looking for a particular Al Qaeda suspect and got involved in a firefight. To make a
long story short I ended up with a piece of grenade shrapnel in my head."

Morris was immediately medically evacuated to Begram Air Force Base outside of Kabul
and then on to Landstuhl Germany for a sensitive surgery to remove the shrapnel.
Morris was blinded in the right eye and also sustained hearing and ear damage.

He was eventually sent to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to recover and then went
home to South Jordan, Utah where he was to remain. He was medically retired from the
Army in May of 2005 with a 50% disability rating from the VA.

Along with 92% of his peers, Morris has had a difficult time sleeping ever since he
returned home from duty.

"When you get injured and you go visit the doctors, the first thing they ask you is,
'How are you sleeping?'" Morris said. "Because they know that so many things can be
cured just from getting a good eight hours worth of sleep."

Morris says that lots of times he will only sleep for a few hours and wake up at two
in the morning, tossing and turning and unable to return to sleep.

"When you lie awake in bed because you can't get comfortable, inevitably you start
thinking about things overseas and what happened," he said. "It's not a good
situation to be in when you start questioning your actions and reliving what
happened. It's just not good."

Currently, Layne and his wife Liesl are sleeping in an uncomfortable, old water bed
frame lined with two twin mattresses that they bought when they first got married.

"When you have four kids, a bed for yourself isn't really something that is a
necessity," Morris said. "I have heard that Craftmatic beds are the all-time 'bed of
beds' so I am completely excited and grateful to get ours set up. I think this will
really help me finally get comfortable since my injury and help me sleep."

"Morris was selected as this week's winner because of his incredible service and
dedication to our country," said Eric Kraftsow, Elevation Bed, LLC owners of the
Craftmatic trademark. "Due to the 'S' shape of the spine, ordinary flat beds tend
to create gaps where your legs and spine aren't supported. Craftmatic beds adjust so
that these gaps are eliminated and the spine is fully supported. This eases the pain
that these injured veterans are feeling when they toss and turn at night on their
flat beds. Craftmatic is honored to assist these wounded heroes in getting the sleep
and support that they deserve."

For more information about the CraftmaticCARES Program, please visit

# # #
About Craftmatic Adjustable Beds:
Craftmatic® Adjustable Beds first began marketing electrically adjustable beds
specifically designed for use in the world\'s bedrooms over 30 years ago. Today,
Craftmatic is one of the world's best known and respected trademarks for quality
products. Craftmatic Adjustable beds are available in the United States, United
Kingdom and Australia.

Over 1,000,000 Craftmatic Adjustable Beds are now in use in customer bedrooms around
the world and attest to the fact that our unique beds are as durable as they are
attractive and comfortable.

For more information, please visit

Web Site: http://

Contact Details: Kristin Bostic
102 Avent Ferry Rd, Holly Springs, NC 27540
(919) 459-8165

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