Press Release Summary: Automatic ftp scheduler transfer sets schedule upload download directories folders zip for future date time automatically reschedule auto-transfers for busy line slow connection remain invisible on transferring file for windows Vista operating system
Press Release Body: File transfer manager allows user to define, modify, delete and start all transfer activities and select any number of files from FTP site or local computer from different directories. Download Automatic FTP freeware demo version online to automatically dial, connect to remote sites, upload, download files, finally disconnected and reschedule auto-transfers when line is busy or connection too slow. File transfer manager remains invisible while transferring files and thus does not disturb other works. Remote file downloader freeware tool effectively operate on windows 2000, NT, XP and Vista operating system. Auto-recurring transfer scheduler supports dial up networking and zip, unzip functionality. Automated FTP client complex scheduler allows user to print file transfer status log file.
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