Tranzent Farrell Personal Design Tour Delhi, India

Released on: June 12, 2008, 8:43 am

Press Release Author: Farrell Hair Studio India

Industry: Consumer Services

Press Release Summary: Delhi, India, June 12th, 2008 - The team from Tranzent
Farrell will be meeting in Delhi, India on June 27th 28th & 29th to conduct personal
design sessions that will help create hair replacement solutions for all those
living in Delhi and suffering from hair loss.

Press Release Body: "This is really an incredible opportunity for all of those
suffering from hair loss and wanting to find the right solution right in Delhi" said
Richard Farrell, owner of Farrell Hair Replacement. Richard went on to say "I have
personally trained these hair system makers, and hair system stylist to deliver the
highest quality of hair replacement systems available, the same quality that is now
available in the new Farrell Hair Studio located in Trivandrum, India."

Richard Farrell is the world's most sought after hair replacement artist. He is the
Master himself. And Farrell Hair Replacement is a company that is composed of hair
system makers all trained by Richard. Farrell uses proprietary materials and
techniques in order to produce hair systems good enough to be voted the Best in the
World" for the last nine consecutive years.
The Delhi personal design tour is filling up fast, to get an consultation with a
professional hair system stylist that will give you the options you need to solve
your hair loss situation, call today +91 471-2336012 or 91 471-2337012 to schedule
your appointment. Again the dates for these consultations are June 27th 28th & 29th
so don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to finally get the full head of
hair you deserve.

Web Site:

Contact Details: Farrell Hair Studio India
Phone: +91 471-2336012

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