Press Release Summary: Website radio broadcast tool trigger sound effects in web pages mp3 encoder lame uses command line interface to encode audio files adds music to web forms set buffer length auto-play indicate sound play on load properties accessed using smart tags
Press Release Body: Radio broadcasting software allows user to add audio sounds to websites and deliver background music, radio broadcasts effects. All script and XHTML markup created by radio audio software is encrypted that creates a blanket of security over audio files. Website radio broadcast tool skinnable ASP.NET GUI toolkit creates an audio user interface easily achieved using stream broadcast control pack. The JavaScript API can also be used to trigger sounds effect when users interact with the web pages. ASP.NET sound enhancement tool is simple, easy and fully customizable to use or user can build a completely custom user interface using Noise enhancement freeware button and playlist controls or with JavaScript API. Audio file security software is fully compatible with regular MP3 and WAV files.
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