Press Release Summary: Political Analyst Examines Claim that GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin Said She Wouldn�t Hire Blacks
Press Release Body: The Hutchinson Political Report
September 24, 2008 for Immediate Release Contact: Earl Ofari Hutchinson 323-383-6145
Political Analyst Examines Claim that GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin Said She Wouldn�t Hire Blacks In a meeting with a group of prominent African-American leaders on April 29, 2008 Alaska governor Sarah Palin allegedly said that she wouldn�t hire blacks in her cabinet or on her staff. This explosive charge�if true-- would cast serious doubts on Palin�s fitness for the vice-presidency. Political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson does an in-depth examination of the accuracy of the claim. He talked to members of Palin�s staff, the McCain-Palin campaign committee, and Alaska�s black leaders. Their reactions to the allegation of racial insensitivity by Palin sheds new light on the role race could play in a McCain-Palin administration. �The rumors that Governor Sarah Palin is hostile to blacks and minorities abound,� says Hutchinson, �They have been grist for the gossip mill on the internet. As always the truth of Palin�s views and actions on race and diversity are far more complex than the allegations and speculation.� �Did Palin Really Say She Wouldn�t Hire Blacks� is on the September 24 edition of the Hutchinson Political Report website at �Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His new book is The Ethnic Presidency: How Race Decides the Race to the White House (Middle Passage Press, February, 2008).
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Contact Details: Earl Ofari Hutchinson 5517 Secrest dr. Los Angeles, Ca. 90043