Global Brands Being Told To Improve Customer Service Else They Lose Customers
Released on: September 18, 2008, 12:14 am
Press Release Author: Abbey Grace Yap / US Contact Point
Industry: Advertising
Press Release Summary: Global brands are being warned not to take customer service for granted. A recent study shows that customers are more than willing to leave their contracts for poor customer experience. Customers are in agreement that good customer experience is one where the service provider knows who they are and what they want.
Press Release Body: Cupertino, California � Most global brands that provide health care, insurance, telecommunications, and financial services are now faced with a dilemma in the way they handle increasing volumes of customers from various media.
The challenge now is to get these global brand owners to familiarize themselves with the customers and the various channels they use to interact with them or prepare to lose their source of income.
A recent study done by Harris Interactive surveyed 2000 US adults who were constantly in contact with various service providers like mobile phone providers, credit card companies, Internet service providers, and the likes. 65% of the surveyed individuals said that a personalized customer experience is important, while 27% believe that it is very important. All survey participants agreed that personalized service happens when the service provider knows who they are, their buying history, their previous complaints, their preferences, and their billing records.
When asked what they would do if they were treated wrongly by their service provider's phone representatives, 62% said they would probably cancel their service agreement and switch to a different provider. As proof, 60% of the group that said they would cancel had already done that in the past over a negative customer experience. The general surveyed populace agreed that positive customer experience is one where their needs were anticipated or met.
This proves to be very challenging for global brands that look after millions of customers from various channel � the Internet, the branches, the main store, the agents, and the brokers. Managing a lot of products is one thing, having to understand how to manage every individual customer is another.
But customer service representatives need to understand that poor customer experience will take its toll on the business altogether. With people becoming more aware of how bad customer service looks and sounds like, companies should already anticipate what customers are expecting from their providers � seamless and pleasant.
With the continuously improving technology, creating a customer service tool efficient enough to keep individual customer information and interaction history should not be a problem. This will aid in giving customers the personalized customer experience they feel that they deserve.