Bigmouthmedia summit to map out finance sectors online battleground
Released on: March 19, 2009, 7:06 am
Author: Bigmouthmedia
Industry: Internet & Online
Bigmouthmedia reveals that one of the UK's leading online
business experts is set to tell an audience of financial sector
executives that the digital media will be a key battleground in their
fight to beat the downturn.
Speaking ahead of the bigmouthmedia finance summit
in April, Econsultancy CEO Ashley Friedlein believes that the finance industry faces
a fight on two fronts over the coming year. In addition to coping with an uncertain
market, he says the beleaguered sector will also be forced to come to terms with the
explosive growth of social media.
"While the financial sector faces an unprecedented crisis of consumer confidence,
it is also operating in an era where the way that businesses interact with the
public is changing at a breakneck speed. The remarkable popularity of social
networking applications such as twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook has taken many
businesses by surprise, but the medium has already become a key commercial
communications channel," said Friedlein, "Coming to terms with these new channels
and keeping pace with the rapid developments within them will be one of the critical
challenges facing businesses in the months ahead."
Drawing upon Econsultancy's wealth of industry research, Friedlein plans to use the
event to demonstrate how businesses can effectively engage the social media. Joining
a line up of some of the UK's best known online finance specialists, his
presentation will contribute to an agenda designed to take participants through the
key marketing strategies recommended to help businesses prosper in the current
economic climate.
He will be joined by Senior Head of Financial Services at Google UK Ian Morgan and
Tom Pearman, Finance Manager at Microsoft Advertising. Comscore's Paolo Barbesino,
Yahoo Finance Category Director Jeremy Fawcett and Will Cooper from New Media Age
will also be presenting.
"It may be a tough time for the finance sector, but there are still opportunities
for smart, successful companies working towards the recovery," said Chris Cathcart,
Senior Finance Strategist at bigmouthmedia.
He continued, "We designed this summit to highlight the positives, and the
attendees can look forward to an exciting event focused on successful strategies,
informal networking and a chance to speak directly with the people at the forefront
of online finance in the UK today."
The bigmouthmedia Finance Summit takes place in London on 8th April and is a free event aimed at senior marketing and ecommerce executives. Places are limited, but those wishing to attend can call
0845 130 0055 or email for an invitation.
About bigmouthmedia
Founded in 1997, bigmouthmedia is Europe's largest independent digital marketing
agency. With a team of over 200 staff across 13 offices in 10 countries on 3
continents, the company maximises exposure for major brands online through a variety
of fully integrated digital marketing channels: PPC and Search Engine Optimisation,
Online Media Planning, Affiliate marketing, Social
Networking, Brand Monitoring, Online PR and Web Analytics.
Leading the digital marketing strategies of a third of the UK's most trusted
brands, bigmouthmedia services over 300 big-brand customers globally including:
Adidas, Hilton, British Airways, Tesco, Aer Lingus, BP, Barclays, Castrol, Conrad
International, Dorling Kindersley, Early Learning Centre, , Fasthosts, Jumeirah,
Canon, Samsung, Starbucks, Top Man, Debenhams, Which?, Lacoste, Euler Hermes and
Wall Street Institute.
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For further media information please contact
Iain Bruce
Media Strategist
51 Timberbush
(44) 131 555 4848