Takes Privacy and Confidentiality Seriously

Released on: March 6, 2009, 7:25 am
Author: Cliffside Malibu
Industry: Healthcare a drug, alcohol and addiction treatment facility, disputes claims that a prior Press Release was written by them or with their authorization.
(Malibu, CA) – March, 2009 – It has come to our attention that a 3rd party has written a Press Release about without it’s authorization and in fact, wrongly stating that had in fact written this Press Release. Nothing could be further from the truth. Without referring to the specific article but instead, posting our response on all of the websites that the previous article had been posted on we want to assure all past and future clients that no one at would ever, in any way, shape or form enter into the practice of disclosing the identities of any of our cliental, no matter what the practice of other facilities claiming to be high end. Our statement is, always has been, and always will be, that we can neither confirm, nor deny, the admittance, past or present of anyone seeking private, confidential treatment at our facility.
It is clear takes their client privacy and confidentiality very seriously. The facility is hidden away in a private, very exclusive part of Malibu. Not only is confidentiality of utmost importance due to the sensitivity of the treatment being provided there, but a great deal in fact because the patients that are treated at the center are often times very high profile. The owner, understanding this special need, wants to ensure that all of his patients can comfortably recover knowing that confidentiality is not a concern.
A quick visit to their site shows a client testimonials page, filled with an outpouring of gracious "thank you`s ", all signed with initialed last names or simply "Name Withheld". Further demonstrating that their client names are always treated with seriousness in confidentiality.
With so many highly recognizable public figures finding themselves in need of addiction or disorder treatment programs, it`s no wonder the media and paparazzi have attempted to publicize and exploit the celebrity in need of such treatment. It`s easy to see such media frenzy has surrounded many of Hollywood`s elite, along with their attending treatment centers. Cliffside has recognized the risk in extending its services to the type of public figures that would bring the media and paparazzi swarming the facility. Not wanting to jeopardize the privacy of the other guests, they have even opted out of treating some high profile celebrities at their center. The guests at Cliffside can rest assured, knowing that the staff cares so much about their recovery they would deny service to high paying, Hollywood elite, before they would endanger the other guests safety and privacy.
I think it takes a special breed to own and operate a drug and alcohol treatment facility. You have to truly care for the people you are treating in order to cultivate a positive and effective environment. The patient's successful recovery is paramount for the on-going success and reputation of the treatment facility itself. Cliffside`s staff has obviously come from that special breed. With a personalized treatment program guided by philosophy that boasts one-to-one patient/therapist interaction, coupled with the most peaceful and luxurious surroundings one can buy, it`s no wonder high profile public figures and local clients alike choose as their treatment center. A great deal of the recovery process involves trust in the providers of that treatment. I am confident that trust has been earned and will continue to be given by all who have visited the Cliffside facilities.
This Press Release was written by Jenny Amato, a volunteer for For more information on the facilities drug rehab and other treatment programs, feel free to contact or call 1-800-501-1988.
Contact Details:
Cliffside Malibu