Comparing prices of breast augmentation abroad online

Released on: March 19, 2009, 7:23 am
Author: LekariOnline.CZ s.r.o.
Industry: Healthcare offers online tool to compare
prices of breast augmentation abroad. The website is dedicated to
offering comprehensive information on cosmetic plastic surgery. For one
of the most popular procedures, breast enhancement, the website
provides online list of price comparisons from 46 surgeons and more
than 20 clinics, the chance to see average procedure prices from
clinics in three countries and more.
“Prices are the main reason why people go abroad for breast augmentation surgery,”
says Pavel Hilbert, managing partner of “In this
current economic crisis; we think more people will go abroad in order to see their
cosmetic surgery dreams realized.”
“Our prices are averaged from the middle costs and don’t include the highest and
lowest prices,” explains Hilbert. “This makes for a more accurate view and the
visitor can see exactly what is included for each price.”
For example, on the portal you can learn that the prices for breast augmentation in
the Czech Republic (average price around 1200 EUR) are about 30% lower than in
Poland (average price around 2500 EUR); while in Croatia (average price around 3200
EUR) they are more than twice as high as in the Czech Republic. The same goes for
Germany where prices are also approximately twice as high. But Hilbert cautions not
to make your decision based on price alone. He says the most expensive doesn’t mean
the best; while the cheapest doesn’t mean the worst; it all depends on the surgeon.
“Prices are affected by the type of implant used and doctors vary in which brands
they prefer,” says Dr. Libor Kment from Esthé plastická chirurgie, a.s. “Costs can
also vary due to the surgeon’s fee; number of days in hospital; the type of
anesthesia used plus the consultation fee.”
Online comparison of breast augmentation prices at
makes it possible for consumers to do their research online before making any major
decision regarding breast enhancement. provides information about cosmetic plastic
surgery abroad and presents it to the general public in Czech, English, German,
Russian and more languages.
For more information contact:
Pavel Hilbert
Managing partner
GSM: +420.777.591.118
Fax: +420.222.587.203
Contact Details: LekariOnline.CZ s.r.o.
Dr. M. Horakove 513
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